Chapter 2:

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After a few roundabouts and red lights you arrived at the compound. You stepped out of the car and your jaw dropped to the floor. It was beautiful, you didn't know where to look.

The glass windowed walls reflected the sky and the sun like a mirror. It was like a giant diamond reflecting beams of light.

Steve and Nat guided you to the entrance of the building and let you in.
Steve held the door and watched as you all got in the lift. It was about 20 floors up from the ground.
After a moment of silence we arrived at the top floor.

As the elevator doors opened the 3 of you stepped out and into the living room. Nat ran in to see Clint and everyone's head turned to the doors as you walked in. It was like they were frozen. Everybody stopped what they were doing to look at you.

You stood there shaking, hiding behind Steve.
He stepped to the side to reveal you to the team.

"Guys meet (Y/N) our newest team mate". He announced proudly patting your back.

You stood forward and introduced yourself still extremely nervous. Steve looked down at you, he couldn't stop smiling out of proudness.

"Hi everyone, thanks for having me I'm so honoured to be here with you all- ". Before you could finish your sentence Tony interrupted and said "Welcome Rogers junior, we're thrilled your here now the big question is do you like party's ?".

"Urmm... I'm sorry did you say party's?" You were so confused, it was the first thing he'd said to you.

"Yep" he rolled his eyes sarcastically "Big Rogers over here doesn't like them so I'm hoping you'll be an improvement".

"Tony give her a break she's only been here 5 seconds" Steve intervened.

"Yeah I love a good party why who's throwing one?".

" tonight 6 o'clock. Be there and don't be a square like captain patriotic over there".

Tony smirked at his own wit and Steve sighed rolling his eyes, the rest of the compound laughed at the 2's relationship.

After all that you got a full tour of the building and met all the team, all but one... Bucky.

You were having a great day so far but it got a whole lot better when the team showed you to your room.
It was like something you couldn't even dream of. You were ecstatic.

Your room was across the hall from Natasha and Steve's and in between Bucky and peters. You couldn't have had a better location. You knew it was going to be fun apart from the whole Bucky thing, who you still hadn't seen.

You couldn't get enough of it was the most perfect room, way better than Steve's spare. You knew you were going to love it here, it had everything.

There was a double bed in the middle of the room, a massive flat screen tv on the wall, an en-suite bathroom which was as big as your room back at Steve's. The bathroom included a double sink, toilet, shower, a bath and tons of storage it was more like an apartment than a 'room'. You were blown away at how nice it was.
Speaking of nice, in the main room where your bed was the whole left side wall was actually a glass window so you had a view of the whole city as well.
It was amazing!.

Once you looked round your room for a while you opened a door which led you to your walk in wardrobe, you nearly passed out.
Every pair of shoes and designer clothes possible were there waiting for you to play dress up. You felt like a real life barbie doll. That was all Nats doing she knew you'd love it and she knew Tony's pin code for his credit card.

You were so excited to start this new chapter in your life and you couldn't wait to get to know everyone properly at Tony's party tonight. Speaking of which you had to get ready for.

You went to the kitchen to grab a drink before getting ready in your room and bumped into everyone on the way down. It felt like you'd been there for years, you were already part of the family. You chatted with everyone on the way to the kitchen and started to build a real friendship with Wanda and Peter in particular.

Wanda agreed on helping you get ready and Nat followed. You wanted to look your best for your first official avengers party, and of course because you knew Bucky would be there. Steve smiled as he watched the 3 of you skip happily laughing down the corridor before disappearing round the corner, he knew you'd be just fine here.

You spent an hour picking out the right dress and heels with the girls, you had a laugh and a few glasses of champagne before heading out.

You settled on a tight, short, red, satin dress which hugged you nicely and showed off everything. Paired with a pair of way to high silver jewelled heels.
You were in love with your new style and wardrobe. 

Wanda and Nat got dressed up at the same time and made there way downstairs with you following behind. As you came out of your door you shut it and turned around to find Bucky standing there adjusting his cuff on his suit. When he heard your door go he snapped up and looked at you.

"Wow (Y/N) is that really you" He stuttered.

"The one and only". You laughed nervously trying not to make it awkward. He seemed alright so far, nothing like you'd imagined.

It was to late, Nat and Wanda caught on and could sense something going on between us so they carried on downstairs and said to catch up with them in a bit.

We started walking down together to the bottom floor where tony had set up the party, I could barely walk in these shoes and my tight dress didn't help me with the movement side of things. I think it was designed to stand still and look pretty not walk down 50 flights of stairs.

The lift wasn't working which was convenient, you told Bucky you'd be there a while and he should go on without you but he refused to leave you alone, Instead he carried you bridal style all the way down to the very bottom.

That was a nice gesture of him and you saw where he was coming from but you were fine taking your time down the stairs, it only made things more awkward as you felt like you should say something especially after all this time but you didn't know what to say.

"Urm Thanks".

- That's it, you haven't seen him in years and thanks is all you could come up with. You were furious with yourself for throwing away an opportunity.

"Urgh no problem I guess". He looked around avoiding eye contact with me and scratched his head before giving a hand gesture towards the door.

We both walked in and went off in our separate directions. I was looking for the girls and he was looking for Steve.

I scrambled around for a few minutes before finding Nat and Wanda having a chat by the bar.

"Who's up for a drink then?"

A love to fight for! (Bucky X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now