Chapter 13

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I slowly walked to the office when i saw Haley sitting in that chair. I figured she prolly told the teacher some story. 

That kid was on drugs. I walked in and Cade and both of our moms were already sitting there. I sat down next to mine. 

She didn't look at me. "Hey mom."

"What the fuck were you thinking Isabella!" She whisper-yelled at me. I flinched. "I'm sorry."

"Well I hope what Haley here said wasn't true about what you to were off doing. You better fuckn pray or you won't see the sunlight for the rest of your life."

I sucked in a deep breathe as the principal walked in. "So do you know why your here Bella, Cade?"

"No sir." Cade said. 

"Well your here because you left school. But that's not all. Haley said she saw you guys messing around outside of the school. Is that true?"

"What does she mean by messing around?" I asked.

He looked over at Haley.

"I saw Cade drag you to his car. He started being sexual about it and shoved you in the car and drove off. I also saw he did something to you before you left. Sexually."

"Is that true Bella?" My mom asked me. 

"What? No! He didn't drag me and we definitely did not do anything sexual!" I half lied. He never did anything to me at the car. But he definitely did in his bed.

"So your saying Haley is lying?"

"Yea she is. For one when we left, she was in the room and i looked around the parking lot. I went out with Cade willingly and got in the car myself. We went out to get lunch. That's it."

"Wow Bella I didn't know you had the nerve to lie so much. Should i tell them the truth to what you guys actually went and did?"

"You know nothing." Cade said slamming down his fist. 

"You should just shut the fuck up before i do it myself." He said glaring at her. His mom gasped and started apologizing to the principal. I looked over at Haley and saw her holding back a smile. 

This bitch knew what she was doing. She has always been trying to ruin my life because she knew that i was bestfriends with Cade, and by now probably more. She didn't like that.

As far as i knew she had a crush on him for the longest time and was always trying to get laid or get with him. He always rejected her. 

One time I remember her asking him to come over some night. She was obviously suggesting sex but it was funny cuz he had told her he didn't know where that pussy had been. Ever since then she has ruined every girls life who has even looked at him.

He had enough of that. "Well they obviously didn't go out to get lunch. Just look at them. I know where they were though." She said batting her fake foot long eyelashes at the principal.


"Should I tell them Bells or do you want to?"

"Ya know Haley i'm surprised you would know where we were and what we were doing since you didn't leave the school. Or did you skip class too?" I smirked at her.

She smiled. "I heard it from someone else."

"Oh really?"


"Girls enough now, Haley what happened."

"They were at Cades house. Apparently they went and had sex, and then decided they should come back to school."

Color drained from my face. How the fuck did she know? "Where did you hear this from Haley?" My mom said her voice low it was almost a whisper. 

"A good source. Though they would not have told a teacher about this and would have let them get away with this terrible behavior. I know that they disrespect the teacher and everyone else pretty much and i know personally that I would have never done such a disrespectful thing to anyone for that matter." Haley said sucking up to the principal. 

That two-faced toad! I looked over at Cade his face was white as he rolled his eyes at me. I cracked a little smile. 

"Something funny?"

I snapped my head back to look at the principal. 

"Actually there is. The funny thing is, is that i am pretty sure that you could ask our whole class and we all know that Haley would be the first to leave the school to go have sex or go deal some drugs. Right Haley?"

"Well Cade ya know i am not the one in trouble here so it seems pretty childish to try and through someone else under the bus for something no one has witnessed." 

"Enough! Cade and Bell have a detention after school and Haley should we discuss this drug thing Cade brought up."

"Sir he was lying about that. We have had the dogs in the school and i have been clear every time so I think it does not to be discussed any further." She said smiling at him with a fake smile. Son of a bitch.

"You two are to come in after school."

We nodded and walked out with both of our parents. "Give me your phone. Its gone for 4 weeks." My mom said.

"But mom-" 

"Give it to me now you little shit! And your never to see him again. Break up right now!"


All the sudden she slapped me. Cade rushed over. "You are never to see my daughter again! I will never let her be with somone who wants sex all the fuckn time i liked you at first but your just a slut and a man whore. Rot in hell!" 

"Hey don't you talk to my son that way for all we know your whore of a daughter could have convinced him to fuck her!"

"My daughter is no slut!" 

"Ladies I would advise you to take this argument outside the school." The principal said. The two women stormed out of the room leaving a storm for me and Cade. 

I left and ran for the bathrooms. I heard him following me. I got into the bathroom and locked the stall door. He followed me in. "Bells come her for a second please. Baby i'm sorry." 

"Leave you got me into this mess. I should have never started shit with you. Maybe all you really want is sex. Just leave maybe you should stay away from me."

"Baby please let me-"

"Leave Cade."

And there ya go! Who thinks Bella and Cade are still gonna survive? (Well no shit is wouldn't be a story if it ended here.) 
Who do you think told Haley about Cade and Bell? 
Let me know and while your at it if you think Bell should have been nicer to Cade or if you have another opinion hit that shining star and let me know! 


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