Chapter 18

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Cade's POV

"Shit." I whispered. I pushed up off of Bell and sat up. She did the same. 

"What the fuck is going on in here? This does not look like your working on some stupid project!" Her mom shrieked.

I looked over at Bell and saw tears falling from her eyes. I lifted my hand to wipe them away. She smacked my hand away and got up.

"We are leaving right now. And you. If you ever come near my daughter again your ass will be sorry you ever laid eyes on her!" Her mom said getting up in my face and pointing an accusing finger at me.

I felt my insides breaking as Bell walked out tears falling down her cheeks. I'm sorry. I was so sorry. As soon as they left I slammed my door. I punched the wall and felt my skin break with the impact. I looked my fist. It hurt like a bitch but i didn't flinch as punched the wall over and over again. 

I knocked over my tv and it broke along with everything else. Fuck! 

I couldn't lose her. I have wanted us to be like this for so fucking long and to have her just taken away from me! That was not gonna happen. It couldn't.

I sank to the ground and for the first time in forever, I cried.

Bella's POV

I cried. I listened to my mom rant the whole way home about how I'm a worthless piece of shit, and I was never to see that stupid bitch again. We pulled into the driveway. I jumped out of the car and slammed the door. "Get back her you little bitch!" My mom shrieked. 

"Stop! Just stop! I can't take it anymore mom! All you do is yell at me 247! It's so hard to be happy. I found him. He makes me happy. More happy than anything you could do to make me happy! And now you want to take that away from me! That's like taking away part of my life!" I spun around and ran into the house as fast as i could. 

I heard her calling after me. I was crying. I opened the door. Slammed it. And sprinted up to my room. I shut the door and locked it. I sank to the ground. And cried. And cried. 

I couldn't take this shit anymore. I found a good thing in my life and now it was gone. Forever. I shouldn't have smacked his hand away. 

I wish it wasn't Friday. Now I had the whole weekend and Monday and Tuesday off of school. I cried harder. 

I heard my mom knock on the door. "Isebella open this fuckn door right now or i'm breaking it down." 

I laughed. That woman couldn't break down a door even if it meant life or death. "Okay try then you dumb bitch."

I heard her sigh loudly then walk away. My smile, or sad smile, turned into a frown. I was leaving this place. I could go to Jess or Mara's house but that would be an obvious place. And  I definitely couldn't go to Cade's.

I grabbed my phone and snapped the one person I never thought i would ever have to snap. 

Can I stay over for a bit there is some shit going on and I need to leave my house?

She said yes.   

I grabbed my bags and started throwing shit in. I grabbed half of my sweatshirts and another pair of shoes and headed quietly down stairs. 

My mom was on the couch passed out. Typical. She tells me the reason she drinks is because of me and one day i'm gonna end up killing her. I blinked back a tear that was threatening to fall and went to the bathroom. 

I grabbed my toothbrush and paste. A brush, and my face wash. I walked out and grabbed a charger for my phone and my airpods. 

I took a deep breath and walked for the door. I quietly opened the door and walked out into the night. 

Cade's POV

I was laying on my bed. My tear stained face stung like a bitch. But i couldn't feel it. Or the pain in my knuckles from punching the wall. I went over to my window and looked out. I sat down and leaned my head against the window. I felt another tear fall down my cheek.

I brushed it away as quickly as it came. I ran my hands over my face and rubbed my eyes. I leaned my head against the window again. I saw someone walking. A girl. I leaned forward. Not just some girl, that was Bella! 

I got out my phone and took a pic of her walking down the road and sent it to her saying, What are you doing?

Walking. Why are you stalking me? She replied almost immediately.

I wasn't I just was looking out the window and saw you. 


We left it at that and I turned off my phone and threw it on the bed behind me. I sighed. Then an idea popped into my head. I could always follow her. But then i would really be stalking her wouldn't I? Whatever. I closed the curtain over the window and turned off the LED lights. 

I layed on the bed. And felt my eyes droop as i fell into sleep.

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I just had a Bio quiz and it was shit i swear to god! Anyways sorry for the late update. Like i said i am trying to update as much as possible, bear with me. So how do you think Bella's mom found out about them two? What do you think of that? Would you have slapped Cade's hand away? Who's place do you think Bella is going to? Tell me what you think!

Also Vote if you would have followed Bella to see were she was going! 


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