II. Mio

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A sea of red flooded the impasse. Various guts and organs splattered as chunks, clinging to the ground where once men stood. Shrill screams were all that could leave my lips; echoing through the night. I collapse and clasp my hands to cover my ears and temples. Blood was trickling down my face, dripping slowly back into the pool. My long, jet-black hair, stained with crimson. I couldn't do anything yet watch these monsters eviscerate and consume these people; shoveling organs and guts into their mouths. The entrails and blood laid on the earth, staining it forever.

I-I didn't know what was going on, I couldn't look away. Frantic breaths in between the screaming, my body was going numb. Things were getting blurry... one of the big monsters turned my way. His eyes were like endless wells, a spiraling white; forever twirling towards the center. A big grin entered his face, exposing his many jagged teeth. As he took a step toward me, the ground shook. Towering over the buildings, and looming along with the great trees of the forest. I slowly backed up, trying to get away but my focus couldn't leave him. Before I knew it, my back had hit the tree behind me.

Shivering and shaking, I don't know how much more of this I can take. The big monster leaned down, his teeth were almost the size of my body.

"S-stay away... please." I cried and whimpered

The big monster sneered and chuckled, not taking me seriously.

"It's been a pleasure serving, my Queen," he said with bellowing laughter.

As the big monster started laughing, all the rest joined him. All sneering and staring at me. The longer it lasted, the more they approached.


They didn't give a response, instead just kept creeping forward. Leaving blood and darkness in their wake. I'm gonna die here... should I really go out like a coward? I can't just let them kill me like this, can I? Whatever, maybe it's just my adrenaline speaking but I might as well end this quickly. I shot up and tried to stand my ground, hoping they would end everything quickly if they saw I'd put up a fight. Though by the time I steeled my resolve, they were all gone. Where did they go...?

I turn frantically, trying to find the monsters. Am I going insane? I grabbed my guitar case and left the scene as fast as possible. I knew I couldn't go home like this, I was covered in red. I hope everyone is alright... I'll just come back in the early morning. Deeper in the forest would be the best place to go for now. There had to be an area with at least a small pond or stream. Washing my hair would be enough, I think. The guiding blue light is now gone, same with the monsters. I don't even know how to process any of this. Monsters, magic? Let alone the fact I might've had something terrible happen to me at the bar. Everything is a mess.

Questioning everything like this won't help, I should at least make some theories. Gotta piece all of this together, one anomaly at a time. Assuming that those monsters and that... void were real, and not symptoms of my brain going crazy, some reasonings can be made for all this I'm sure. That woman I saw in the 'void', I'm not quite sure what to make of her at all. I know she has a big role in all this though. After all, she was the one who appeared first.

Whoever she was, she definitely had a lot of power. I couldn't move at all in her presence. That could be because of something else, but every muscle in my body was locked when she appeared. She addressed me as "Voidwalker" and the monsters referred to me as "Queen." Though, it's definitely arguable that the monsters were messing around. But.. that can't make sense either, since it seemed like they didn't even take me seriously. If that's the case, then why would they even call me queen? It would make more sense to just address me as something lower than them...


There are leads but I can't connect them to anything. Though who am I kidding, this all sounds like stuff straight out of a nightmare. Maybe... someone could help me? Confirm for me that, by some chance, I'm not going insane. I don't know anyone to go to though. I don't have friends, and there's no way I could go back to my family right now. Maybe just a night to myself would help.

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