VI. Mira

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I could feel the blood racing down from my forehead. My face was smashed right into the ground, and my whole body felt limp. I don't think.. I can stay awake much longer. I couldn't move my body at all— it felt as if gravity multiplied itself ten-fold. I hope Astrid is alright, she's much stronger than I am so... she'll probably be fine. Everything was gradually getting quiet. I wasn't sure if that was me losing consciousness, or all the people dissipating from the area. Before everything went black, I could make out a voice; very faintly.

"Lord Gus Graviole, why-"

"These two girls go."

Nothing was clear, but it seemed like this person was trying to help us. It didn't sound like Astrid... I really hope she's alright. A new voice was responding to the one I heard prior.

"Alright Mira, you-"

"With them."

Things went black.


Ugh... everything hurts. Definitely not as bad as earlier but, wait, how much time has passed..? I opened my eyes and attempted to turn my body over— and was greeted to a well-furnished room. Unlike Astrid's place, it definitely looked like someone had been living here for a while. Astrid.. I need to find her. I can think about everything else later, but I need to make sure she's okay.

My legs ached, but standing up and walking wasn't too much of a problem. I start to shift around the house a bit, searching for any signs of where I was or if anyone was around. I know for sure I'm still in the Stronghold, but I have no clue whose house this is. I made my way to the dining area and found a note on the table.

"Reimi, not sure when you'll be reading this but I hope you're feeling better. I did the best I could to heal up your wounds, and don't worry, I'm fine myself. We truly lucked out in the end, I'll make sure to explain more when we get back. Ahh I can't remember the last time I've written anything- sorry love. Anyways, make sure to check the fridge and eat, I'm sure you're really hungry. See ya soon - Astrid."

Phew- I'm really glad she's okay...

Though, I can't help but feel like dead weight. Everywhere I go, people are giving up so much for me. I.. I don't know what to feel. Mio was kind enough to trust me with her secret home, her motorcycle, and even introduced me to magic. Astrid has taken care of me multiple times now and is even going on a journey with no foreseeable end— just to help me. I don't really get it... but I'm beyond thankful for it all. I truly wish I could've met these people under better circumstances, but I'm glad we crossed paths at all. I wanna understand this curse I have, and even if I can't get rid of it; I hope I can at least help people with it.

I've never had any goals besides being a musician before, but now I feel a similar spark again. Of course I don't wanna die, but I feel like.. It might be better moving forward to just accept it. That'll take me time, but I think it's for the best. Next time, I'll keep Astrid safe. First things first though, I really need to eat-

After eating a lot, and I mean a lot, I went back to bed. I couldn't stay asleep for long, but it was nice to just lay there. My mind, as it always does, started to wander. Specifically about magic. Experiencing it as many times as I have now.. I couldn't help but feel curious about my own. The Voidwalker's Tale, what I saw from that night, the spurts of cold I feel time to time— none of it explains anything. I still have no clue about what this void is, and what being a voidwalker even means. Progress is being made, but yet there are still no answers. Bleh.

After some hours, Astrid returned with a masked person by her side. The person we were looking for? I got up from the bed and went to greet them.

"Astrid! You're okay-" I said, awkwardly standing close to her.

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