IX. To Elyse

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"I- No I'm not" Astrid's voice trembled.

She seemed really anxious... I don't think I've ever seen her like this before. My body started moving on its own, moving closer and closer to Astrid until she was wrapped in my arms.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to dig into anything. You don't have to explain yourself, I understand."

No words left her lips, but I could feel her breathing grow more stable. I thought Angel fit her really well, but I was being insensitive. Gosh, why am I such a dumbass? I should've known that when Gus Graviole of all people called her that; there was a clear history with that nickname. Eventually, we got off each other and walked close to the water, clouds now casting over us.

There was an odd tension in the atmosphere that I was too scared to break. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I've never been this close with anyone before, besides my family, and I don't want to lose what we have over something so... small? Ahh the guilt is just eating me up, am I overthinking it? Definitely not— I've never seen her like that before. What have I done...

"Oi, can you shut up? I try to ignore your thoughts the best I can, but in times like these, it's practically impossible. Just tell the damn Angel you love her already and move on." Gheera bellowed.

"E-eh? Gheera?" I almost say out loud. It still hasn't registered that I basically have a dragon living inside me. It doesn't make any kind of sense, but I guess it is pretty awesome if you don't try to think about all the... implications?

"Look kid, we're going to be spending the next however long with each other. Could be years, could be days."

"You definitely have more patience than I do, so for your own sake, please become more confident. Give me rage, drive, anything but this anxiety shit" Gheera grumbled.

"I... Sorry. Still, though, It's not gonna be an overnight thing you know? You still need to have a little patience."

"Ah I know, unfortunately. Just don't take too long, kid."

"REIMI," Astrid shouted.

Her hands clamped down on mine like a vice grip.

"Wha- I'm sorry, I think I spaced out" I mumbled.

She sighed and lightened her grip over my hands. "You sure you're with me now Rei? You looked frozen..."

"I'm fine, promise. But what about you though? I'm really sorry again-"

Astrid slid her right foot between my legs and swept me off my feet, once again.

"Oh come on, you could've at least told me this time!" I whined.

Astrid's lips curved into a slight smile. "That's what you get for apologizing again love."

We took off from the ground just as we did before but with more urgency this time. The transition from ground to air was abrupt; thankfully though, the flight forward was just as nice as it was prior. Ocean was all I could see, and salty breezes were all I could smell. I wasn't sure how long it would take to get there, but being carried by Astrid the whole way isn't something I could complain about, to be honest.

For a while, I couldn't help but just stare at her face. Not really sure why besides the fact she's incredibly beautiful. Maybe it's because she was trying her best to avoid eye contact with me. I wonder what I could do to get her attention...

"Reimi I can feel your eyes burning a hole through my skin," Astrid said.

"I don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about~"

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