VII. Voidstar

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Tears started to flood from my eyes as my heart began smashing against my chest. I couldn't even feel anything anymore; my emotions were overloading my body. Sensation itself disappeared. Everything felt numb, and before I knew, it all faded to black. I could feel myself drifting, stuck in this never-ending darkness. Was I dead? Whatever... it's not like I had anything left to live for anyway.

My life was over the second I had gotten cursed. So many people, dead because of me. Astrid... My body felt heavy— yet I was somehow floating seamlessly. All my heart could think about was Astrid, but my mind was picking up on a harrowing feeling.

I could feel my blood start to freeze, my limbs starting to tremble. The pressure suddenly changed, and I started to fall through this atmosphere. The darkness shifted; starting to get illuminated by thousands of, what I assume to be, stars. To my left, I could see a very powerful purple and blue light. It was as if a big star exploded, but stayed stuck in the phase it was breaking apart. In a way, this place was somewhat beautiful, but I couldn't shake this unsettling feeling.

I couldn't restrain my thoughts about Astrid anymore. M-maybe she was okay, she was still alive just a second ago. Maybe she could've used some powerful magic and escaped. She can't have died. I don't accept it, she's way too powerful to die. She's... way too wonderful for this cruel world to lose.

My tears started to fly away; through this star-studded dimension. The farther I fell, the more I started to shiver. My eyes widened, and my breathing became frantic. What was this pressure, it was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. Whatever this was... it couldn't have been coming from a human. The pain in my heart, the chills on my skin, it all disappeared the instant my momentum stopped. Gulping away the last of my thoughts, all the hair on my body stood up. Frozen in place, I was surrounded by darkness once again. This was different though; I wasn't alone.

My vision stayed fixed ahead— worried about what I was actually staring at. I could hear a deep grumble, fueled with aggression. The sheer weight of this voice blew my body back. Six flickering purple lights appeared far above me, illuminating the rest of this beast's face. It looked like it had a giant.. snout? I could see hints of perpetuating red, flowing from its mouth. I think this is a dragon. Just like always, there are way too many questions with next to no answers. My body still won't move; this dragon's aura is way too overbearing.

"So tiny... You're the one who Harlow chose huh?" his voice boomed, seemingly shaking the space we're in.

His voice was so deep, my ears pulsated just processing it. Terrified to the core, my lips refused to move. I couldn't work up even a single sound. Those monsters I saw that day don't compare to this dragon at all. I can't even process the feeling I get just being in his presence.

"Heh, well at least you seem like a kind soul. I don't mind the praise, and do not worry— you don't have to respond. I can still hear you."

H-huh? How can you hear me..?

"I'm a part of you, girl" the dragon grumbled.

"My name is Gheera, and this void is my home."

Wait so, this is the Void?

"It is, and you're now the one who carries the weight of this dimension with you. The Voidwalker."

Gheera lowered his head, making it so his teeth were right in front of my face.

"Tell me your name."

Beads of sweat were falling profusely from my body. His breath alone burned my skin, and the weight of his voice sent all the water flying. I shouldn't act smart and ask him "shouldn't you already know my name," since that'd just be stupid. Oh wait... he can hear me anyways. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

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