Chapter 6

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Aizawa really wasn't looking forward to today.

Not only did he have to put up with the usual brats, but he also had to introduce them to an new class member.

Sleep was not gonna be an option.

Izuku was walking alongside an irritated Aizawa, and was rubbing his arm for comfort.

He had just been reintroduced to the world for about a day, and he was now about to go to school.

Eventually the two arrived at the destination.

Izuku looked at the ominous class door, its ginormous figure looming over him menacingly.

"Wait here." Aizawa instructed in his usual sleep deprived demeanor. "I'll tell you when to come in."

The boy nodded timidly, receiving a grunt from Aizawa before his teacher entered the class.

The class was chatting away, with very few noticing Aizawa enter the room.

However their chatter was immediately disrupted by the teacher clearing his throat.

The class rushed to their seats, whilst Bakugo just strolled over, bit caring about the teacher.

After sighing at Bakugo's attitude, Aizawa made his way up to the podium.

"Okay, we're going to be having a new student join the class today." Aizawa revealed. "Please be welcoming and don't be annoying."

The class perked up at the news, and immediately sprung into a mountain of questions.

Aizawa grew a tick mark at the student's questions.

"SHUT UP!" he demanded, activating his quirk for extra effect.

"You can ask him these questions yourself." He said. "You can come in now."

The door slowly slid open, whilst Aizawa crept into his sleeping bag.

Once it opened Izuku slowly entered the classroom, not looking at the class to focus on his breathing.

However 4 students couldn't believe their eyes.

"IZUKU?!?!?" Shoto shouted out in shock, surprising the whole class in his change in demeanor.

Izuku spun round at his name, and widened his eyes at the sight of his best friend.

"S-Shoto?" Izuku stammered out, causing Aizawa to raise an eyebrow.

The dual haired boy lept out his seat and sprinted over to Izuku, engulfing him in a hug.

All whilst this was happening, Izumi had tears welling up in her eyes.

She had finally seen her brother, after a year of thinking he was dead. She wanted to shout out his name and join in with the hug, but she was too shocked to do anything.

Shoka couldn't believe her eyes. She'd spent every night thinking of Izuku, only to find him finally here right before her.

Bakugo was scared. The others in the group had been sworn to secrecy by him, and no one ever believed Shoto when he told them about Bakugo's deeds.

However now that Izuku was here in the flesh, his future was in jepody. He thought that the need had killed himself and they'd never found the body. However it turned out that he'd survived, and all it would take was one conversation to end his career.

Whilst Izuku's ex-friends were busy silently reacting, Izuku was grapsing onto Shoto like he was a life jacket.

After what seemed like an eternity, someone finally broke the silence.

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