|•Chapter 36:Dense•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"You seem to be waking up now."Hearing
a soft whisper you recognise that voice, eyes
squinting meet with the bright sky as the sun
slowly set. "Osamu!"Tackling down him he
embrace you back holding him tightly as he
did the same. "Y/n you almost gave me a
heart attack just then I thought this would've
made you more wor-" Coughing out blood
burning your throat soaked up your hands
that where covered in bandages realising your
gloves were ripped apart on the ground.

"Due to your body not being fully healed the
stitches on your shoulder haven't fully healed yet.
Your body surely doesn't react well not at all."
He held your hair back making sure it didn't
get any blood or other fluids in it. "No shit." Unbottoning the first few buttons to reveal more bandages that were soaking red. "Here I'll
change them." He offered unwrapping the
bandages on his arm that stopped before his
elbows, wrapped around your upper torso
trying to not put you in more pain than
you were.

"Done, your in worse condition so I suggest
we take you back to Doctor Yosano. Also your
gloves all ripped up now and I don't have a spare
pair so I had to use my other arm bandages."His
voice was soothing as he talked lifting you up
onto his back your arms securing around him.
"Aren't you hurt too?"Asking him as he chuckled
out. "Yeah but not as worst than you. Never
listening to a doctor and constantly has to be
babied while injured but I enjoy it."This was
one of his times were he would genuinely smile.
"But you're not comfortable without your
bandages, we should get some as soon as we
get back to the agency." You tugged down on his
trench coat sleeves so it wasn't that noticeable.
"Don't worry to much about me, just focus on
yourself for now." He reassured you as he had
let you used him as support.


Yet again you were hooked up to a IV, upper
torso properly bandage as she had forced you to
just wear a jacket over your bandaged chest.
You also changed into grey sweat pants, leaned
over the sink. You washed your face then tying
your hair up into a low bun. Body flinching
as you listened to the shouting on the other side
of the bathroom door. "Fuck you, Dazai
Osamu!" Yosano shouted she was pissed how
he let you get into this mess, how he let you get
injured like that. "You let her go into this
planned out car crash like that despite knowing
her condition. She has broken ribs multiple
gashes and now her wrist is seriously sprained.
What the hell were you thinking!"Her hand
slapped echoed as it surely left a mark on
whatever part of his face.

"It was her choice you know."Dazai remained
calm even though he felt like he should've
done more better. He did feel very guilty about
his decision yet he had very few choices.

"Her choice?! And you didn't stop to think that
this was going to hurt her!"She waited for an
answer from the man himself. "I need her to help
me execute my plan,even though she's the only
one-" Another slap to the face. "You're going
to her one day with these plans and don't
come crying to me when your lover dies, she
doesn't deserve someone like you."Hearing
Yosano's foot steps fade out as so did Dazai's
in that moment you felt like screaming at
the both of them to stop. As it caused your
headache to worsen even more.

You walked out sitting down on the your bed as it
was quiet with the exception of Kouyou who
hummed as she knitted away, she seemed to be enjoying her time here in the infirmary. But
you hated this sort of place because you either
see dying comrades here or you yourself would
be here when was a weaker you.


You managed to sneak away from Yosano as she
seemed stressed from all the operating she has
to do with her ability and yours not wanting
to work together to fully heal your body. Walking
up the stairs to the roof of the Agency knowing
Dazai was up there for some reason, opening
the door up. You saw him sitting down looking
up to the sky as if he was looking for
something or someone.

"What are you doing here?" Sitting next
to him, his focus shifted onto you now.
"Seeing where Atsushi will land,now that
they've kidnapped him and Q. But shouldn't
you be resting up right now?"Dazai asked,
he took your hand and cradled it in his.
"I snuck out plus maybe I can help."You stood
back up as he decided that he trusted you
as always. Though you let him hold your
hand still. "Right there on the Main Street."
He pointed out to the direction of where it was
as he also stood up to see with you. Though
you had helped him up since his arm was
now broken.

"That's what I was thinking, we'll have to set
out smoke machines there."Patting your head
as he messed up your hair. "I'm sorry about
Yosano and what she said."Muttering quietly
as he looked at you weirdly wondering why
it was you saying that. "So you did listen to
that. It's alright I kind of deserved that slap though."Rubbing his cheek that was still
marked with a deep red hand print.

"I-,can I kiss you?"Asking him as he
let out a chuckle. "Why are you asking?! Of
course you can."Gently grabbing your arm that
wasn't injured he pulled you closer to him, the
sound of the door to the rooftop opening as
he let go of you. "Maybe next time."He
whispered turning to Kunikida who didn't
seem impressed. "Hey you two. Tell me what's
the deal."The blonde moved his collar to
reveal blotchy marks eyes widening for a
second. "Stay there. Kunikida-kun you've
been cursed and now your required to be
restrained, please cooperate."


"So your not telling me what's going on."You
and Yosano where chaining him up to one of
the office chairs hoping it was enough.
"I told you what you needed to know."Dazai
huffed, not knowing what to explain to him.
"Stop bitching,honestly men these days." Using
your ability to summon more stronger chains
seeing the curse starting to take effect his pupils
going red with blood like tears coming out.
"Hey, it's starting."He began squirming around
in his chair Dazai of course got his phone out
and began recording Kunikida.

"This'll be great black mail for later."

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