|•Chapter 44:Those eyes•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

Sitting there on Dazai's bed as your gloves hands grazed over the cotton sheets, it smelled like him.
Oaky, homely an maybe a hint of cinnamon too.
Though there was this growing pit in your heart fluttering it felt like some typical highschool
romance drama, the way Osamu Dazai looked
right at you. How those kisses felt way different.
Hickey's decorating your neck there was more
meaning to them as usual he would do things
out of pleasuring the both of you.

"Thinking to much?"Dazai spoke snapping you
out of your thoughts seeing him in a grey dress
shirt unbotton revealing the freshly wrapped
bandages around his chest and neck areas.

"You look beautiful though."He whistled out taking
the spot next to you on his bed as he dried his
hair ruffling it with the towel doing a bad job.
"Here I'll do it."Snatching it out of his hands
plopping yourself right on his lap leaning forward
you gently ruffled his hair dry properly. "Don't." Warning him as he poured moving his hands
away from you exposed sides, wearing but a
training bra since someone didn't do his washing.
"I could give you my shirt wouldn't want you
to freeze, you know?"Leaning himself into your
right shoulder his fingers tracing your neck
line over the purple-red bruises.

Humming in content feeling your fingers detangle
his hair running through each chocolate brown
strand, handling it as the finest silk. God had
chosen favourites that's for certain when creating.
"And let you wear your work shirt to sleep?
No way have some hygiene and decency, Osamu." Removing yourself off from him discarding the
towel into the washing basket, grabbing his tv
remote turning it on before laying on
the otherside of the bed.

"It's like 2 am but I want to binge watch something
before I go to sleep."Stretching your body out
"Well if that's what you want Darling."Laying down
right next to you placing his hand right on your
thigh watching you flicker through Netflix
eyes seeking for a show or movie to watch.


Dazai tried to converse with you throughout
watching the movie but would only receive half
hearted answers right back. Though he saw
how fixated you were eyes would light up at
some scenes or when there was a man with jaw
dropping and impeccable looks. He would pout
though as you laughed patting his head.
"Y/n, can we rest or at least stop watching the
movie." He pleaded out wanting you to fixated
on him. "Another movie we can ago to sleep-"
Shifting himself on top of you as he firmly hold
your arms in place taking the control away
from you chucking it somewhere.

"Nope your gonna sleep or will do something else."
Eying him trying to squirm out form his hold
moving his hand up to your wrist. Pinning them
up above your head, his now free hand slid up
to your neck to your jaw lifting it up. He leaned
down lips brushed onto yours, the kiss was
sensual and more meaningful emotion poured
into it. Humming in satisfaction nibbling your
lip, not helping yourself to whimper a little as
he took this as a chance to slip his tongue in.
Melting like puddy in his touch until he pulled
back looking down at you with drowsy eyes.

"I was jealous when Chuuya hugged you like that,
to be honest I thought that I was the one who
should hold you in my arms the way he did."
Moving his hand to brush aside a strand of hair
behind your ear than tracing his finger along
the craving of your jaw to your very chin down
to your neck. "What if I say it was on purpose." Murmuring back, letting go of your wrists he
trails his hands down your body "Than I'll show
you that your mine."Dipping his head down
between your thighs. Now tracing over the
fabric of where a faint scar from a
very long time ago.

"Do remember when I gave this to you?"He
asked removing the sweat pants off forcing you to
sit up, looking at the initials that were etched
into the skin of your thigh. Gulping a little from
nervousness you sure did recall the night he did.
"I remember clearly taking the knife lightly cutting
my initials into your skin it was enough to draw
a little bit of blood and make it scar. What would
you feel if I did it again?"He asked leaning over
to his bedside table, hair tickling your exposed thighs as grabbed out a small craving knife.

"If your not comfortable or don't want me
to continue say something. Your pleasure is
mine as well, My Love."Kissing the old scar
bringing your cheeks to flush a little giving you
doe eyes. "I-Please go ahead, Osamu."His name slipping out of your mouth like fine liquor or
more like sweet poison. "Alright, tell me when
to stop." He hummed grazing the coolness of
the blade onto your skin before bringing its
point slowing pace. Digging the sharp tip over
tracing the 'O' whipping your thigh when a
little blood would come out.

Throwing your head up to look at the ceiling,
you swore that you were seeing stars at this point.
His thumb grazed over the first initial kissing it
then moving over to work on doing the next one,
your hand threading through strands of his hair
as he did. "Done."He discarded the knife rubbing
his thumb ain't the last initial, placing a kiss on
top of it. Pushing himself back up, shifting
himself closer lips attached to yours eyes
fluttering closed tasting the hunger and lust as
he bit down on your lower lip.

Letting out a small groan while slipping his tongue
in one hand placed on your hip while the other
went up your thigh. His fingers play with the
fabric of the boxers you has on.

"Do you want me to continue?"Huskily whispering
into your ear leaning in, placing kiss on the
shell of your ear humming in satisfaction. "Osamu, please continue." He grinned at your answer
slipping a finger in, enveloping your lips with his.
You moan into his mouth at the pleasure
of his fingers working at you, thrusting in and out
at gleeful pace adding another one in, holy shit.
Body grown so used to this sensation but it felt
so rekindled every single time as he the right spot
so well making your legs shake a little. Parting lips
away, breathing was so erratic moaning out more
and more, seeing that shit eating grin grow more.

"Osamu."Breathing out managing to get a
breather his lips still ghosting on top of yours
"Tired now, Love?"Bringing his hand from your
hips to your cheek bringing your face closer,
kissing softly on the jawline to the cheek.

Removing his soaked fingers, cleaning his fingers off and helping you dress back up. Hands cupping
each cheek placing a kiss on the crown of your
head thumb grazing gently over your cheek.
"You did so well, My love you can rest now."He whispered pulling your down to bed switching
the bedside light off you burried your head into
the crook of his neck. Your leg wrapped around
his waist while he wrapped and his arm
around you as intertwined his hand into you.

He hummed quietly feeling yourself dosed
right off immediately hearing him whispering
something but couldn't quite make out what
he said. "One day I'll tell you that I love you,
take you on a nice date show you that your
the only woman I actually had my eyes on the
whole time." He whispered knowing you
already dozed off happy that you
didn't hear those words yet.

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