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Thoughts in bold

Wtf did i get myself into

Vinnie- Stop acting weird. Sit down

Y/n goes and sits down on his gaming chair where is pc is.

Y/n- Why did you make everyone leave?

Vinnie walks over to his closet and takes a stack of clothes out

Vinnie- I needed to give you something

He places it on his bed and steps back nodding toward it

Vinnie- Take a look

Y/n gets up and walks toward his bed and begins unfolding the clothes

Y/n- Purgatory? What is this?

Vinnie- All my merch from the past drops. I saved some for you just in case things ever went back to normal between us. They're in your size

As Vinnie is talking he looks down not wanting to look at Y/n

He's the sweetest

Y/n quickly hugs him. Vinnie hugs her back

Y/n- Thank you

Vinnie let's go and looks into her eyes. A smile begins to form on his face

Y/n- What is it? Why are you looking at me like that

Vinnie- It's just you look the same as before but yet so different at the same time

Y/n- In a good way i hope

Vinnie- Of course in a good way.

He looks down from her eyes to her lips and begins to lean in. Y/n doing the same.

what the fu-

Y/n stops and clears her throat

Y/n- Well thanks again for these. I love them but I should really get going back to the hotel.

Vinnie moves back

Vinnie- Yeah yeah of course

Y/n grabs her stuff and begins walking toward the door while Vinnie sits on his gaming chair

Y/n turns around and walks toward Vinnie. He begins to look confused and Y/n leans in and kisses him

I just fucked up
why did i do that

Y/n shocked at what she did smiles awkwardly and begins walking back to the door slowly still facing Vinnie.

Y/n- Alright...yeah...I'm going to go...but i'll umm see you later...yeah...bye

Vinnie with a smile on his face

Y/n walks out and closes the door behind her. She begins walking down the hallway making her way to the kitchen where everyone was at.

Brother- Took you long enough

Thomas- Let them be. Vinnie and Y/n needed their alone time

Brother- Dude that's my sister

Y/n- We just talked and he gave me these no need to make it more than it is

Y/n looked down and Kouvr and Mia look at her.

Mia- Y/n come with me I need to show you something

She begins to follow Mia and Kouvr is behind her. They make it to the livivng room and and stand there.

Y/n- What did you need to show me?

Mia- Nothing. Something happened between you and Vinnie didn't it?

Y/n- What? no

Kouvr- Y/n you're a terrible liar

Y/n- Ugh fine i know i suck at lying.

Mia- Okay so what happened?

Mia and Kouvr both eager to know

Y/n sighs

Y/n- We kissed

Y/n rolls her eyes and smiles

Mia and Kouvr begin shrieking

Kouvr- Omg YES!

Mia- Thats a good thing right?

Y/n- I mean yeah. At first i pulled back but then i went back and did it. Ugh i don't even know now. It's going to make things weird.

Mia- Don't stress about it you obviously both wanted to.

Y/n- Yeah you're right

Kouvr- So what does this mean for the both of you

Y/n- I was kind of hoping not to think about that until tomorrow

They head back to the kitchen with everyone

Mia- So tomorrow we're going to the movies. Come with us

Kouvr- Yeah the whole house it. We're renting it out

Y/n- Oh wow yeah thanks. I'll be here.

Kouvr- Ben, Silas y'all should come too

Alex- I already told them about it. They said they would come here with Y/n first so we could all leave together

Y/n- I'm excited

I Still Love...My Brother's Best Friend...VinnieWhere stories live. Discover now