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Thoughts in bold

Time to go home.

Y/n walks into the airport with a smile and meets Ben and Silas at the security line.

Ben- Ready?

Y/n nods and they go through security and grab their things heading to the gate. With extra time to spare Silas gets up.

Silas- I'm going to try and find a starbucks

Y/n and Ben nod leaving them by themselves.

Ben looking nervous sighed and Y/n noticed.

Y/n- What is it?

Ben- What?

Y/n- Why did you just sigh?

Ben- I was breathing

Y/n rolls her eyes

I know him. He's just being stupid right now

Y/n- What did you need to talk to me about?

Ben- I don't think right now is a good time

Ben couldn't even look Y/n in the eyes

Y/n- Come on just tell me

Ben- It's nothing forget it

Y/n- It's obviously been bothering you because you've been acting up this whole trip.


Vinnie- "I meant Ben. Barely said a word when he saw us."

*End of flashback*

Y/n- Is this because me and Vinnie are becoming close again?

This caused Ben's mood to change. He looked bothered and annoyed. Not saying anything he stayed quiet.

Is he serious

Y/n- Do I need to remind you that YOU and my family kept pushing me to come on this trip and all of the others ones. All of you wanted me to forgive him so don't act like this when you were the reason I came out here.

Ben suddenly looked at Y/n and finally spoke up.

Ben- Do you not realize I did this for you. You have been miserable without him. I hoped seeing him in LA you would finally move on and realize that I'm the one that has been there. I'm the one that never left or hurt you. I've loved you since the moment I met you, but you've always loved him.

Y/n just looked at him with no facial expression and she looked behind Ben and saw Silas standing there having heard every word Ben said.

Silas is going to tell Vinnie.

Thinking of what to say Y/n stayed quiet but luckily people started to board the plane. Y/n got up and grabbed her stuff. Y/n goes up to Silas.

Y/n- Sit next to me

Silas nods and follows Y/n. Not caring where Ben was at that moment.

If he really felt like that why didn't he say anything.

They got on the plane and sat down together and Ben a couple of rows behind. Once they got settled Y/n and Silas looked at each other.

Silas- Look I don't know what's going on with you and Vinnie, but if I were you I would tell him what Ben said.

Y/n- Is it really a good idea

Silas- Do you want to start this new friendship or relationship on lies?

He's right.

I Still Love...My Brother's Best Friend...VinnieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora