Picket Fences

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"You realize this is a bad idea right?" Ryan asks Brendon as they sneak through the creepy Mrs.Smith's house.

"But Ryannnnn." Brendon whined quietly, giving his best pout. "I dropped my comic in her yard and I'm not leaving until I get it back." He hissed.

Ryan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Well it's not my fault that you decided to climb that tree-- almost fall and die-- then drop your comic." He scoffed standing his ground outside the old picket fence.

"Fine then you big baby, stand guard while I-- the brave and amazing Brendon-- go get it." Brendon smirked and quickly crawled his way up the fence, wiggling his legs.

Ryan hesitated before helping Brendon climb across, accidentally pushing his butt too hard causing Brendon to fall over.

"Ouch!" Brendon yelped but quickly silenced himself with his palm, looking back at the old house to see if the grumpy woman had heard him.

"Bren? Are you okay?" A small whisper came from the other side of the fence, a pair of honey eyes appearing and disappearing as Ryan jumped to see if he was okay.

Brendon got up as dusted off his jeans. "Yeah I'm okay." He mumbled pushing his glasses up, distracted by the pile of leaves.

"Ryan I can't find it." Brendon pouted after a few minutes. "Just kinda-- look harder!" He heard Ryan hiss worriedly.

Brendon bit his lip looking around a bit longer then finally spotted Green Lantern's light through the small leaf covered ground .

"Aha!" Brendon squeaked a little too loudly and before he knew it the old woman was looking at him through the blinds.

"What are you hooligans doing on my lawn! Get out!" She yelled limping on her cane outside, shaking it in the air.

Brendon froze in fear, whimpering and shaking and Ryan knew he had to act quickly.

He climbed over the fence as fast as he could and grabbed Brendon's hand.

"Come on!" He says and fumbled with the fence door, why must it be so old and stuck?

"I'm gonna call the police! Have you two arrested!" The woman called out.

Ryan fumbled but finally got the fence to open. He quickly dragged Brendon out and didn't stop running until the house was long out of sight.

Brendon was still frozen, his face the definition of fear. "Brendon? Brendon are-- are you okay?" Ryan asked panting from his run.

Brendon slowly looked up then down at his feet. "It was so scary." He whispered almost too quiet to hear.

Ryan's face softened and he wrapped his arms around Brendon's small body. They're used to hugs and comfort, they're best friends so it's just what they do.

"Don't worry, she's just a grumpy old butt." Ryan smiled that crooked small smile he always gives.

Brendon sniffled wiping his tears and giggled. "You said butt." He said softly.

"Oh shush!" Ryan pouted and grinned swatting Brendon playfully.

Brendon grinned back and put his arm around Ryan's shoulder. "Come on, let's go back to my house and watch Iron Man." He said as they walked down the sidewalk, the comic hugging Brendon's chest.

"Honestly Thor is better." Ryan mumbled smiling.

((A/N : Aye this chapter is dedicated to Melody :) because references))

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