It's Brendon, Bitch

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It's Brendon, Bitch

It was a warm summer day, school was out and the two boys were on the Urie's front porch.

Ryan was sitting quietly, reading a book and Brendon? Well...

"Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me?!" He sang along to Britney Spears, dancing and bouncing around.

Ryan groaned. "Brendon that's the twentieth time you've listened to that song on repeat. Don't you get sick of it?" He sighed obviously annoyed to not get any reading done.

Brendon pouts and playfully smacks Ryan's arm. "Oh shush, this is Britney bitch!" He beams.

Ryan still gasps when he hears his friend say the word. Being best friends with the first fifth grader to say bitch does have it's own perks though.

"It's distracting my read--" Ryan cuts off by the sound of a loud horn and grumbles.

Both boys turn to see a moving truck, going to Mrs.Smith's house.

Who could be moving to grumpy old Mrs.Smith's house? Has she died last night and people were moving in already? The boys both wondered.

"And everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby" the radio sang

"I wonder who could be moving there." Ryan hummed putting his book down, walking down the pavement.

"Hey Ryan wait up!" Brendon squeaked and shuffled to stand besides his friend.

Both boys watched quietly as a small boy around their age got out with a teddy beat clutched to his side. He had brown hair and was wearing a white shirt and tiny khakis.

The boy disappeared into the house and both Brendon and Ryan stood there shocked.

"The poor boy is gonna die in there Ryan! We have to save him!" Brendon pleaded tugging at Ryan's arm.

"Yeah -- yeah okay let's go." Ryan mumbled stumbling behind Brendon.

I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song is my sorry

((A/N song is Everytime by Britney Spears btw :) it'll play a big role in this fic so pay attention to the lyrics ;) )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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