Traitor </3

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People mentioned that belong to BonnieAndDonnie1233; Smiles

People mentioned that belong to LynneDa_Wolf; Bianca


Traitor is quite stubborn

He was murdered at the age of 5 (Or 9, it all depends) 

Taylor is actually his older sister

When Traitor looks like figment and not his normal body, then he he is still vengeful (Bonnie, he is like that in our rp) 

Traitor prefers taller people as a partner

He's absolutely never a top- ('Tis why Spirit calls him 'Mother' instead of  'Father') 

He still loves Smiles, however Figment does a great job of making Traitor had the frick outta them

Bianca is one out of a few that can actually calm him down

He's a master at manipulation

He's a Tortured Soul, Broken Soul and a Lover Craver all in one

Despite being great at manipulation, he is easy to manipulate

His knife is actually one he stole from Torcher's childhood house 

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