W31RD0 ~

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This thing gets pissed off easily if you try to defend the people it hates. 

Never try to talk about it's eyes. 

W31RD0 is terrified of  Smile. 

If you ask about it's family, it'll slap you and say Claire. 

W31RD0 is a vent character so if you see it appear in a rp it's bc I'm looking for comfort or I was bored :) 

W31RD0 goes by they/them

"Bee's are gods" 

W31RD0  doesn't normally get shipped so if you want a relationship with it you have to prove devotion. 

"Don't think someone is better just because of their gender identity or sexuality. A trans bisexual female isn't more than a straight cisgender male and the other way around. Judge one on how they act, not what they identify as." 

W31RD0 loves equality. 

The peace and quiet is where they thrive. 

W31RD0 has no relationships with anybody (as in friendships). 

Monotone speaker. 

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