Chapter 3

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"Well don't you worry about a thing. I'll look after her. She won't be bullied again on my watch. "

"Thanks so much, you have no idea what this means to me."

"No problem. We're friends now aren't we?"


*chapter start*

*back to first person~Emilia~*

Esme pulled Tamaki aside.

'I wonder what they're talking about.' I thought.

After a few minutes they walked back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Em. I just had to ask Tamaki something." She explained.

"Ask him what?" I asked curiously.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." She replied.

"Sure." I said not believing her.

I could tell when she was lying. Whatever she asked Tamaki had to be important. I decided not to pry knowing she wouldn't tell me anyway. That's just the way Esme was. Soon the bell rang and we had to go to class. The day went by smoothly. Now it's once again the last class of the day, music. I sat in the same spot as yesterday.

'Hopefully Tamaki doesn't cause me too much trouble today. I don't know if I can talk to him without Esme.' I thought.

"Hey Emilia! Come sit over here. Nobody will see you if you hide in the corner." I heard him call out.

I looked at him and shook my head in response. I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

" Come on. I want to talk to you."

Again I shook my head.

"Please!" He said, eyes getting bigger.

'O great now he's giving me puppy dog eyes.' I thought.
He kept at it until I gave in. I stood up, walked to the seat next to him, and stat down.

"Yay! Thank you! Your the best!" He exclaimed.

'This is going to be a long class.' I thought

The bell rang and class began. We started on the material since yesterday was the introduction day. I was silent the entire class. After it was over I walked out to find Esme so we could walk to club together. Tamaki decided to follow me.

"Hey where are you going? We're supposed to go to club." He said.

I didn't reply and kept walking. After a few more minutes of walking and Tamaki pestering me, I found Esme.

"There you are. I was looking for you." Esme said.

"O, so you were just trying to find Esme." Tamaki realized.

"Ya, Em feels pretty uncomfortable in new places without me."

"She sat by me in class."

"Really?!" She asks surprised.

"He kept pestering me and gave me puppy dog eyes." I whispered in her ear.

"Ah." She replies in an understanding tone.

"Hey! How come she talks to you and not me?!" Tamaki asks with jealousy.

"We've known each other since we were five. Why wouldn't she be talking to me? Idiot. I'm only her best friend." Esme replies half way in between serious and joking.

"That's no fare! How come you get to be her best friend and I don't?!"

"Your clueless."

I start giggling.

"What's so funny?" Esme asks me.

"You guys fight like little kids." I rely, laughter still evident.

Tamaki looks at me surprised.

"I do believe that's the first time I've heard you talk. You should do it more often. You have a pretty voice." He compliments.

"T-thanks." I reply, starting to blush a little.

"Well we better get going club activities are going to start soon." He says.

We follow him to a music room.

"This music room is unused so my dad said it would be ok for my club to use it."
He explains.

"So what exactly does your dad do at this school? It must be pretty important seeing as he gave permission for your club to use this room." Esme comments.

"You're right he's the chairmen."

"Ok." She replies then leans over to me. "Looks like pretty boy gets some special treatment from his daddy." She whispers sassily into me ear.

I silently laugh in response.

"Is something funny?" He asks.

"It's nothing you. Need to know or be worried about." Esme says with a little sarcasm that was only obvious to me.

"Well alright then. Let's go in shall we." He begins

He opens the door.

"Ladies, Welcome to The Host Club." He bows.

We walk in, Tamaki following close behind us. There was a small blond boy sitting at the table eating cake. A tall black haired guy to his left. Another black haired male sitting a couple of tables away typing on a computer. A set of identical twins were dashing about the room. Lastly a brown haired girl dressed in a guys uniform trying to keep the twins from reeking too much havoc.

" I wonder why that girl is wearing a guys uniform." I whisper to Esme.

"What girl?" she asked just as quietly.

"Never mind." I whispered back.

"Ladies, let me introduce you to The Host Club!" Tamaki exclaimed

" The man on the computer is the vice president, Kyoya. The one eating cake is Honey and next to him is Mori, The twins Hikaru and Kaoru. Then we have Haruhi. Finally, you already know me but in the president,Tamaki Suoh."

"So this is The Host Club you wanted us to come to so badly." Esme sassed.

"Yes. In fact it is. I know you guys will like it here."

"Gentlemen," Tamaki began loudly, " Let me introduce you to our new guests. The one with the brown hair is Emilia and the one with the blond hair is Esme. Any questions?"

"Who will be hosting them today?" Kyoya asked.

"We will all take turns hosting them so they can get to know us better and we can still serve other guests in the meantime. The only condition is they will have to be hosted separately if the plan is going to work. So I'll start out with Emilia and, Haruhi, you take Esme. Then Emilia will go to Honey and Mori, and Esme will go to the twins. After that Emilia will go to Kyoya and Esme to Honey and Mori. Then Emilia will go to Haruhi and Esme will come to me. Finally, Emilia will go to the twins and Esme will go to Kyoya. Emilia Anything else?"

" Yes. What exactly is this plan of yours?" Esme Questions.

"Thats for us to know and you to find out. Anyone else?"

Brief silence filed the room.

"Alright then Emilia you come with me. Gentlemen, let the hosting begin!" Tamaki exclaimed.

*to be continued*

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