Chapter 5

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For the rest of my time with them, they pestered me about yaoi. There was still a few minutes left of club time. Time that I decided I wanted to spend with Esme, where I was most comfortable. We decided to compare our impressions of the hosts to get a better analysis of their character.

*chapter start*

"So shall we compare notes?" Esme asked

"We shall." I replied.

"Alright we'll start with Tamaki. I thought he was nice enough but he's too much of a player and pretty boy for me. Over all I say he's ok"

"He seems pretty nice. I can't find anything that seems suspicious."

"How far did you go with the deduction?"

"Same as always. Why?"

"Just curious. So what about Kyoya?"

"I don't trust him."

"Why? I thought he seemed nice."

"He went snooping through our private information. First thing he asked me about when I sat down was what kind of security is blocking my file."

"Weird. Did you tell him?"

"Hell no."



"So what about the twins?"

"Devious. Pranksters. I don't think they've been apart for more than an hour at a time."

"I got pretty much the same impression. Honey and Mori?"

"Honey is cute I have to admit. Mori seems mysterious. He's protective that's for sure. There's something about him I can't quite put my finger on though."

"Well, well, well, looks like your deduction skills are not so great after all."

"Shut it. I'll figure it out eventually. This is what I got after twenty minutes of mostly Honey talking."

"If you say so. Last but not least Haruhi."

"She's nice. I can see us becoming pretty good friends with her. She seems to be a good balance of our personalities. She's stubborn and tomboyish like I am and she's a good leader and good with people like you are."

"Wait she?!"

"Yes she but you can't tell anyone. The Host Club and us are the only people who can know."


We kept chatting for the rest of club activities. It was now time to go home.

"Bye guys see you tomorrow." Esme called out to the host club.

"Wait!" Tamaki yelled as we started walking away.

"What is it Suoh?" Esme asked annoyed.

"Emilia I would like to visit your house and get to know you a little better."

"Maybe some other time. Besides, she has to ask her parents if it's ok first." Esme answered for me.

"I want Emilia's answer."

"I'll try to work something out with my parents I guess." I say quietly.

Even though Tamaki seemed nice I was still a bit nervous around him. I hate not being able to trust people until I know them pretty well, even when I know they're good people.

"That's great! Just ell me what your parents say." He cheered.

"Alright. Bye." I reply.


From there Esme and I went home. She decided to hang out at my house for a while though.

"I'm home and Ez is with me!" I yell as we walk through the door.

There was no answer.

"They must not be home." I state.

"Weird. How often does this happen?" Esme asks.

"A lot but it's ok. I usually just go up to my room and do my homework, play instruments, watch anime, and fangirl."

"I'm sorry Em. If I would've known earlier, I would've come over a lot more."

I hear barking from the back door. I walk to it and open it. My dog comes inside excitedly.

"Hey! I missed you! You're a good boy!" I exclaim and started petting him.

He jumped up and put his paws on my shoulders.

"Off! I missed you to but you can't jump on me like that."

I got him off me and walked toward the living room. I sat down in a space where there was plenty of room.

"Come here!" I cooed.

He walked up to me. I wrapped me arms around the area just below his neck and flipped him over so he was lying down. I then cuddled into him with my face against his back.

"I should of known you would've done that. What's so great about him anyway?"

"He's a dog. Dogs are the best." I answered.

"Sometimes I swear you like dogs more than people."

"That's because I do most of the time."

We continued to talk until Esme had to go home. Later that night I asked her if Tamaki could come over. She said yes as long as we weren't in a room alone. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

*to be continued*

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