Chapter 10

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(A/N): It was supposed to be Emit not Wesley in the last chapter. Also I noticed I changed the dog's name on accident. It will be Herb from now on.


We watched Hetalia and Durarara!! for the rest of the afternoon. Tamaki brought me back home and we said goodbye to each other before I walked in the house.

*chapter start*

I forgot to mention some people that are very important in my life, my older siblings. I should start with my twin, Wesley. He goes to a boarding school in Tokyo. So that's why he isn't here right now. He was always very protective over me when we were kids and he still is. I don't blame him either. I've always been an easy target for bullies and he was just trying to protect me from them. I know what you guys are going to ask, he is older by forty five minutes. Next there's my older brother Leo. He is also very protective over me but not as much as Wesley is. He went away to college(UNI) when I was twelve. Then there's my sisters Jezebel, Marie, and Blair. They are so different form each other. It's actually really funny. Jezebel left for college the year after Leo, Marie two years after Jezebel, and Blair three years after Marie. Jezebel is smart, stubborn, and opinionated. Marie is super girly, out going, and slightly OCD. Finally, Blair is smart, easy going, and hardworking. I love all of my siblings despite the occasional arguments.

I woke up the next morning and when I went downstairs someone suddenly picked me up, thew me over their shoulder and started heading toward the living room. I could only think of one person who would do this.

"Wesley, put me down!" I yelled.

"In a sec." he replied.

I sighed a little annoyed but I was happy to see him.

When we reached the living room I was dropped on the couch and he sat next to me.

"Is there a reason you brought me over here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to talk and catch up a little." he explained.

"Can I at least get a cup of coffee first?"

"Fine but come right back. No going back up to your room. Ok?"

"Ok." I said walking away.

I make a pot of coffee and poor it into my favorite mug. After I'm done putting creamer in it I walk back to the couch.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I question as I sit down.

"Mom told me you got a boyfriend. I never thought I would see the day where my extremely shy twin sister would get a boyfriend." Wesley commented in a slightly teasing tone.

"And yet here we are." I sassed back.

"Is he treating you alright?"

"You know I wouldn't stay with him if he wasn't."

"Ya. I guess thats a good thong. It's one less thing I need to worry about. So when do I get to meet him?"

"I'm not sure. How long are you here? I might be able to work something out with him."

"I'm here for two weeks. School's giving me some time off."

"That's nice. Alright, I'll see what I can do. I can't guarantee anything though."

I walk upstairs, get my phone and text Tamaki.

E: Hey! Can you come over sometime in the next few weeks? There's someone i want you to meet.

A few seconds later I get a text back.

T: How about today?

A: I'll ask. Hang on a sec.

I walk to the office and asked my mom if Tamaki could com over. Luckily she said yes and I walked back upstairs to text hime.

E: My mom says it's ok/ What time will you be coming over?

T: I'll be there in two hours then. See you then.

E: Alright see you later,

I walk back downstairs to the couch and sit down next to Wesley again. I take a sip of my coffee and tell him the news.

"Alright, he'll be here in about two hours." I announce.

" That was quick." Wesley replied.

" Ya. I guess he doesn't have very much to do. He did say he is bored at home all the time."

We continue to talk until the doorbell rings and Herb starts barking at the door. I walk over and open it to reveal Tamaki.
"Hey." I say giving him a light hug once he walks through the door.

"Hey." he repeats back returning my hug. "So who did you want to meet?"

Wesley walks over with a serious look on his face.

"So you're the one thats dating my sister. You better treat her well otherwise you'll have me to deal with got that?!" Wesley threatens.

"Yes sir." Tamaki replies nervously then turns to me "Who is he?"

"Tamaki this is my twin brother Wesley. Wesley this is my boyfriend Tamaki." I say.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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