Chapter 4

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" Yes. What exactly is this plan of yours?" Esme Questions.

"Thats for us to know and you to find out. Anyone else?"

Brief silence filed the room.

"Alright then Emilia you come with me. Gentlemen, let the hosting begin!" Tamaki exclaimed.

*chapter start*

I followed Tamaki nervously to a couch. I could feel my anxiety start to pick up.

'Great. This is the perfect place to have a panic attack.' I thought.

we sat down and for a brief moment there was silence.

"So, Emilia, tell me a little bit about yourself." Tamaki said.

"W-w-w-well I-I-I...........w-what d-do you w-want to k-know?" I asked shyly, not knowing what to say.

"Well, for starters, what interests you?"

"W-well I like m-music, anime, books, movies, a-animals, art, dancing, food, c-crime stuff, and horror."

"Horror?! You must be a pretty brave person to watch that."

"I g-guess."

"You like music? do you play any interments?"

"Yes. I love music. I play the 6, 12, and base guitar, the violin, and the piano. I'm hoping to add the harp in there soon as well."

"You didn't stutter. You must really like music."

I nod.

" Sometimes it's my only escape from ehat has been going on in my life." I look down as i say this.

Tamaki noticed ad changed the subject. Before I knew it my time with Tamaki was up. The more I talked to him the more I liked him. I can tell he will probably turn out to be a great friend. Next up was Honey and Mori. I walked to their table and sat down.

"Would you like some cake?" he asked sweetly.

I didn't really want any at the moment but he was so cute i couldn't refuse.

"M-maybe j-just a l-little bit." I nervously replied.

He gave me a small slice of strawberry cake. I took a bite. It was pretty good.

"Do you like it"

I nod.

"I-it's good."

"Good I'm glad you like it. I love cake"

I giggle.

"I noticed."

After a while it was time to switch hosts again. This time it was Kyoya. I sat as far away from him as possible.

'He looks oddly suspicious' I thought.

"Miss Jeffery, tell me what kind of security is blocking your file." He slightly ordered.


"Your file has some kind of security on it. I just wanted to know what it was."

"YOU'VE BEEN SNEAKING AROUND MY PERSONAL INFORMATION?!" I was almost yelling at this point.

" Yes. It's standard protocol for me to do background checks on everyone who enters this room. I has no trouble finding your friends but for some reason yours is causing me problems."

"You read people's private information with out their permission?That's low. Well you'll never be able to figure it out because I'm not saying a word."

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