Chapter 2: The start of a friendship

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About half an hour after I gave up, I got a call. I rushed to my phone thinking it was Hazel, but it was Damion calling me. He didn't usually call me instead just texted me. I picked it up and asked him why he called me. He said "nothing much just checking up on you"

Well that was just..weird.

He said "I actually have to be somewhere in 10 mins so I'll catch up with with you later" And we cut the call.

I was laying down on my couch when another person called me... It was Hazel!!
I immediately grew a smile on my face and answered the phone.. She apologized for not answering the call earlier and told me that she couldn't pick it up as she had to pull over her car at a convenience store and forgot her phone on the front seat.
I was relieved and thought that I still had a chance. We talked about the most suitable time for the weekend.
We decided on 6pm.
I was really looking forward to the weekend.

Finally the day was here. I went to the café around 5:45pm so I won't keep her waiting but even she came to the café before 6pm.
We greeted each other, talked and laughed like we've always been friends. I had the time of my life.. I thought it'd be a easier to confess if I stay in touch with her and make her comfortable around me.
We called it a day and went home

We started talking regularly and eventually became good friends
We started hanging out more often and became comfortable around each other. I started thinking that she was starting to like me more as the days were passing by. It felt like we've been friends for years when it has only been 3 months since we met.

I thought that maybe I should confess my feelings for her but I was afraid if that would ruin our friendship. So I held on to my feelings and didn't confess them for a long time.

I wanted to tell her so bad but the fear of ruining the friendship stayed immaculate.
We laughed and laughed whenever we hung out and every single time it felt like I was reliving the first day we hung out. The same nervousness and same feelings, but with more memories.

***Continued to chapter 3***

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