Chapter 6: The truth unveiled

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I did not go to the office that day and thought the whole thing through that Caleb told me. everything was summing up one by one. 

"I love she really what everyone is telling me she is? This many people won't lie at once though..i think it's time for me to maintain distance from her"

Christmas Eve, 11 pm..everyone's at my house to hang out. We're all sitting near the fireplace while everyone is enjoying themselves except for.. Me.
I still can't figure out why would Hazel do something like this.. Why did they choose me when there are all these other bachelors as well?

Suddenly everyone stood up and faced me.. I didn't know why and couldn't think of a reason either

"Is there something on my face? Why are y'all looking at me? Caleb? Wh- why are you staring at me like that? "
My guts said that there was something fishy about this whole thing when I noticed that Hazel was missing. I panicked and asked Caleb to go find her but he looked me in my face and suddenly pushed me aside. A gunshot. 'Someone' fired at us.. Or me.
Caleb pulled a gun out from under the mistletoe.. Well I never new there was a hollow space there and we had a gun.

I hid behind the couch when I saw that EVERYONE had a gun with them and it seemed like they were all against each other or like they didn't trust each other.
Caleb shot one of his friends down and told me to hide under the kitchen counter.
At the end, I could only see Caleb and Hazel against each other.. It was intense. The whole place was a mortuary house.. Bloodshed everywhere when I heard a gunshot that hit a person.. I could hear the blood dripping down and someone falling down.
I peeked from under the counter. I saw Hazel.. Laying on the floor bleeding all over the floor while Caleb just stood there , panting and just staring at her.
He looked at me and said, "you can come out now.. All the others are dead already"
"Caleb, you're gonna get in big trouble.. What if the cops get to know about this? " I said while panicking.
"Trouble? Who's gonna report me? You? Well guess what big bro.. You're coming going with them" Caleb said.
I could see the fire in his eyes.. His eyebrows stressed.. Gun fully loaded and ready to fire.

"All right enough with the jokes.. You know you can put that thing.. The gun back to it's place now or just.. Dispose it maybe..? " I said

Caleb chuckled and said , "you really thought I'm gonna throw this away? No chance. I'm just gonna put it on the counter for a while.. I need to get rid of these people on our floor shedding blood ain't gonna help or what? "

"Oh right, what're you gonna do with them? " I asked
"I have something in mind.. Help me wrap them up in carpets and put them in the truck outside.. It was one of my friends who came over" Caleb said.
I got a few carpets out from the basement and when I was coming up the stairs, I saw Caleb tucking the gun in the back of his pants and wearing a jacket so it the gun isn't visible to people. I thought "must be for self defense. The thing we're doing right now is not safe to do without a plan so alright.. Whatever"
We were wrapping them all up in the carpets. I couldn't keep myself together, knowing that the person I loved was about to take my life and now is dead.
"You know she was gonna kill you, right? Stop tearing up for her now. You should be glad that she's dead as well as the others cause they all were armed" Caleb said.
I wiped my tears away and picked up Hazel.. "Is she really breathing or is it just all in my head?" I thought to myself, "Naaaaah it's in my head.. I saw her dead"
I wrapped her up in a carpet and we both took them all in the truck. We covered the  pile of carpets with bodies inside up and off we went to.. Somewhere.. I don't know, Caleb never told me what that place was called.
We reach this really messed up place.. Rust and water everywhere.. I realised I never actually knew Caleb.. He had a gun? He can drive? Why does he even knows a place like this?

I wasn't feeling good about it all but I didn't ask much questions. I just wanted both of us out of that mess so I did whatever Caleb told me to.
He stopped near a sign that said "don't go any further" And he told me to get out of the car and that we'll throw all of the bodies across the sign.
Last one being Hazel's body, I purposefully let Hazel be the last one at all levels after the shooting and all..I asked Caleb not to touch her corpse and let me do it. He agreed and went out. I picked her up and I could still hear breathing and felt her heart pounding. I got scared and was about to throw her away when I heard "one gun.. Back pocket..keep it" Hazel said this and I couldn't figure out why she told me to keep her gun.. I thought "why is this a heirloom or something?" But even after doubting this.. I still unwrapped her corpse and couldn't feel her heartbeat or breathing anymore. I took the gun, tucked it in, wrapped her up again and threw her corpse away.
I shouted Caleb's name and he came running towards me. I said, "let's go home now"
"Sorry Rick." He said.
I said, "I don't mind it.. Hazel was gonna kill me anyways so it's-"
"Not about Hazel." He said
I couldn't understand why he said that.. Maybe he's sorry about how he didn't tell me he could drive or he had a gun n all..
"Then? Why are you sorry? " I asked

***Continued to chapter 7***

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