"stay with me, live with me"

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Ryujin and Chaeryeong are enemy but...

...Ryujin and Chaeryeong has been faking their relationship just because of chaeryeong's dad


"ryujin!" a person called which made ryujin look at that person "what do you want lee?" ryujin ask "can you do me a favor?" chaeryeong ask, ryujin laugh a little then "and why would i do that?" ryujin ask then laugh again "can you listen to me just a min?!" chaeryeong snap ryujin just stare at her then nodded..

chaeryeong sighed first then "can we like get in relationship but fake,, fake relationship i mean..?" chaeryeong said while looking straight into ryujin eye's "WHAT?!"ryujin shout which made the other student look at them "you heard me right shin" "and what do you think i do that for you huh?" she ask "i dont know... i had no one to ask yeji unnie is dating lia unnie then yuna is still younger than me...i-" chaeryeong was cut off when ryujin talk

"so?" she said chaeryeong look down then start playing on her own fingers "i hate doing this but... please ryujin ah my dad assign me on a stupid marriage and i want him to stop that marriage so im asking you a this..." chaeryeong said ryujin nothing to say she just stared at the girl who's standing infront of her..

but then chaeryeong look at her and said "if no its fine i can ask somi since she's my friend too thank you for nothing shin" chaeryeong was about to leave but..

"sure..." ryujin said which made chaeryeong look at her "what..?" she ask "you heard me lee chaeryeong i agree at this stupid favor of yours" ryujin said no emotion can seen on her face but chaeryeong didnt care she went toward to ryujin then hug her "thank you ryujin" ryujin had no choice but hug the younger back

some student start whispering about that hug because chaeryeong and ryujin know as a "sweet enemy" their bickering is sweet but a hate at the same time



ryujin look at chaeryeong classroom she saw chaeryeong sitting with a guy that completely flirting with her she frown and enter the room all the student look at her except the guy and chaeryeong she stood infront of them that caught chaeryeong and the guy attention 

"ryujin.. what are you doing here the class was about to start at 5 min..?" chaeryeong ask ryujin look at her then pout "i miss you.." ryujin said 

'wait they're dating?!"

'all this bickering is just a play?'


'i feel bad about the guy..'

at that day the everyone know that they are dating


a few months chaeryeong and ryujin still bickering but they are really taking care of eachother..

chaeryeong was alone on a classroom admiring the view in the window she sigh deeply and groan "hey.." someone said she look at the person and said "ryujinie..." chaeryeong said ryujin sit beside her then ask "whats wrong?" chaeryeong look at her then smirk "your curious?" ryujin just glared at her but then chaeryeong look at away

because this months of their fake relationship... she got a weird feeling whenever ryujin being sweet to her or being a childish.. butterflies on her stomach went wild when ryujin being clingy to her or teasing her whatever ryujin do butterflies on her stomach starting to wild... she hate it

she supposed to hate ryujin because ryujin was always bullying not bullying just teasing her which made chaeryeong annoyed but she like ryujin no she LOVE ryujin..

she sigh and look down... "ryujin lets end this fake relationship," chaeryeong said ryujin was speechless but "w-what?" she managed to say "i mean this fake relationship lets end this.. my father doesnt care even tho im with a person he still assign me on a marriage what the worst it we will move in US after i got married" chaeryeong said as tear's starting to fall on her cheeks but she wipe it and stood up

"so thank you ryujin you can do whatever you want now thank you.." chaeryeong said and leave but before she reach at the door ryujin said something

"i like you chaeryeong ah!" ryujin shout then look at the girl chaeryeong look at her and met ryujin eye's "what..." she said ryujin went toward to chaeryeong and look at her "i like you chaeryeong.. no i love you chaeryeong" ryujin said as she hold chaeryeong's hand chaeryeong was nothing have to say but just stared at the short girl

"i dont know what gotten to me but when i first saw you i feel weird...i feel nervous when your around i feel a jealousy when your talking with someone i hate it... you were a girl who can make a person life better and im a.. coward person that i cant even tell what i am feeling i was about to talk with you but some ugly words come out on my mouth" ryujin said and chuckled bitterly

"you like me,,," chaeryeong ask ryujin shake her head a little and said "no i love you" "then why did you do that all the fight you always cause between us!" chaeryeong ask again ryujin rest her head on chaeryeong "because i love you lee chaeryeong" she said "ryujin i love you too.." "but i already said to you that my dad-" ryujin didnt let chaeryeong finish her words

"stay with me" "move with me.. just stay with me chaeryeong ah dont mind your father lets runaway" ryujin said "what.. ryujin you dont need to do that" chaeryeong said ryujin placed her hands on chaeryeong's face and said "chaeryeong ah dont you remember that im a shin.. live with me lets move in another school im gonna treat you right chaeryeong ah" ryujin said 

"ryujin..." "imma wait at you tonight lets runaway tonight" "chaeryeong will you come with me?..." ryujin ask and look at chaeryeong eye's chaeryeong smile at her and said "ofcourse ryuddaeng i will" "really?!" ryujin ask again chaeryeong just nod and chuckled ryujin hug her tight and then ryujin gently pushed chaeryeong

their face was like a inch away "i love you chaeryeong ah" "i love you too ryujin" then ryujin pulled chaeryeong giving her a soft kiss chaeryeong reply at that kiss

~few years later~

"RYUDDAENG WAKE UP!" chaeryeong shout in the kitchen "im awake!" ryujin shout back then yawned and went in their bedroom bathroom to watch her face she go downstair and saw her wife in the kitchen prepairing breakfast 

yes chaeryeong is officially a shin chaeryeong they got married and didnt adopt a kid they just adopt a two cats

ryujin went toward on her wife ryujin hug her behind and said "good morning jagi~" as she rest her chin on chaeryeong's shoulder chaeryeong chuckled and said "good morning to ryuddaeng"

ryujin pout "morning kisses?" ryujin ask then chaeryeong turn off the stove and faced on her wife chaeryeong give her a kiss on ryujin's forehead, temple. nose, cheeks and finally on ryujin's lip ryujin smile through the kiss and back away as chaeryeong did she just giggle and hug chaeryeong tight

"come on ryuddaeng you need to hurry your gonna be late" chaeryeong said "im getting my price after my work ok?" ryujin ask as she sit on the table chair then smirk "shut up just hurry"

"i'll take that as a yes babe" ryujin said then wink at chaeryeong, chaeryeong just laugh and said "idiot hurry" "mhm"...

-hey omg this randomly come on my mind i dont know if its good T~T so im letting you guys read it hehe anyways thanks for reading this and have a good night! <33

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