"night party"

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(warning: well not really... but whatever)

"ryu the school gonna have a night party for students, and students only!, that's mean we can wear whatever we want!, so your coming?"  yeji ask as she looked at the younger who's staring at the thin air 

ryujin hums and said "i dont think so... i heard you need a date on that" ryujin said then glance at the older "how about you?" 

yeji nodded and said "yeah, i will take jisu with me tho... well you can go without a date tho i mean like i said it's night party for students" ryujin nodded and unwraps the lollipop she have 

"and i think yuna will come alone there" yeji added ryujin glance at her then hums 

ryujin and yeji was talking there, not until someone interrupt them "hey ryujin?" ryujin and yeji glanced at that person "uh yeah? what's up eve" ryujin said "hey eve" yeji said

"hey unnie" eve said as she waved at yeji, yeji smile at her then look away eve look at ryujin then smile "um.. you know that school gonna have a night party right?" eve ask ryujin hums and nodded

"well.. i actually wanna ask you.. if you wanna come with me tonight?" eve ask again ryujin look at her then glance at yeji who's already looking at them with a smile

 "i actually dont want to come.." ryujin said "eh why?" eve ask "for sure.. chaeryeong will not like it.." ryujin said making yeji to smacked her she yelped glancing at the older 

"dont worry eve she will come with you" yeji said "what no-" 

"ok bye ryujin, bye unnie!" eve said then left ryujin turned around to her and glared "why did you do that?, you know chaeryeong is different when she's jealous!" ryujin said

 yeji frowned and said "why would she be jealous? you and chaeryeong broke up like 2 or 3 months ago, you should date someone!" 

"she will not letting me, you guys know that" ryujin said

 "but for sure she will let you if chaeryeong unnie have a date tonight right?.. or maybe chaeryeong unnie will just stay at her condo and study" someone interrupted yeji and ryujin turned around, a girl standing infront of them 

"then let's find chaeryeong a date! or let's just say to her dont come at the party, right yuna?" yeji said as she glance at ryujin then yuna

yuna nodded triple times while ryujin pinched her nose bridge "yes let's do that!. but who?" yuna ask yeji eyes widden and faced at ryujin 

"how about.. Jae oppa, someone said that he like chaeryeong" yeji said ryujin glared at her and said "no, not him!" "then who?" yuna ask 

"no one." 

"no one? thats-"

"i said no one." 

"fine" yuna said "wait let me call jisu" yeji said 


Yj: ji~

L: oh hey yeddeong why did you call?

Yj: i just wanna ask if you wanna come with me tonight?

L: sure, it's about the party right?

Yj: yeah..

Yj: and can i ask if chaeryeong is coming?

L: i think so... yeah she is

Yj: did she ask someone?

L: no she doesnt want to, she can take care of herself

Yj: ok.. see you tonight?

L: hm.. see you!

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