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"who's that ryu?"

"she..? no one..."

"no one?"

"just a friend of mine.."



"for how long you guys keeping this?"



"t-three months..."

"three WHAT?!"


"chaery.. let me explain please!"

"dont call me that! you cheated on me ryujin.. we're done!"






"l-long time no see.."

"yeah... how are you ryu..jin?"

"i-im fine.. how about you?"

"good... i need to go now"

"ok... b-bye


"who's is he chaeryeong?"

"he?... he's just a friend of mine ryujin."



"chaery... i miss you so much... im sorry, im sorry for what i did.. i dont know what im thinking that day... i felt miserable without you.."


"please... chaer... give me a chance..."

"i can't"


"im already engaged ryujin.."



"y-you're married now... im h-happy for you"

"thank you ryujin... thank you so much..."

"hm.. y-yeah no problem.. i n-need to go now.."

"you're not eating with us?"

"no..i still need to attend a meeting.."

"oh.. ok drive safe.."

"congratulation again c-chaery.."

"thank you ryu."

- :>

-i'll try to update my other books later... if i didnt update a new chapter sorry i was just really busy 

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