Part 1

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"Stupid bitch" my sister muttered.
Who else was I supposed to call??
I had just triggered my curse. What will dad say.
"What have you done." "It's blood. Not battery acid. Now help me drag his arse into the alley." Hope and I dragged the rotting corpse of middle aged man into the back alley behind Russeau's. "You couldn't have just broke his nose?" Hope rolled her eyes and together we threw the man's body into the dumpster. "He was trying to touch me Hope. What was I supposed to do?" Hope was always so judgy when it came to my decision making. Her biggest fear was becoming like the monster we heard tales of. Her greatest fear was becoming like our father.

I however, I was a little bit to much like him for my own good. I was Daddy's little girl, while Hope was much closer to our mother, and uncle Elijah. "Bloody hell Girls." Shit we'd been caught. "Poena deloris." I cast a spell without thinking. That goes against anything my auntie Freya has ever told me about magic. But I wasn't really one to listen to the rules.

The person was screaming for a moment, but then they stopped. Hope and I knew that this was our one shot at an escape. So we ran as fast as we could towards the streets of the quarter.
But then we realized who had found us in that alley.

My aunt Rebekah stood in front of us. "Shit" i muttered as Rebekah gave us that stern Mikaelson look.

"And what the Bloody hell would you girls be doing out here?" Hope rolled her eyes and gave me a sorta "I told you so" look.
"You know what, no. Don't explain it to me. You can explain it to everyone when we get home." And with that, she grabbed our hands and we were home in seconds.

Elijah was on the phone when we walked in. Probably some Vampire business that our family had collectively agreed that we were to young to be involved in.
"And Marcel, take care of my nieces recklessness behind Rousseau's while you're at it." And with that he hung up and motioned for us to sit down.

"And what, might I ask, were you two up to?" Hope stared at her shoes that were now blood stained. "I think you already know the answer to that." I said with probably more sass than was necessary.

Elijah Handed me a mirror without looking me in the eyes. I wasn't entirely sure what he was trying to do, but he hinted for me to take it.

I took the mirror in my bloodstained hands, and looked at my reflection. I couldn't even tell who was looking back at me in that mirror.

I had a huge gash across my left eye that was gushing blood down my neck, and I had another cluster of scratches near my collar bones, along with a bruised cheek and blood all over my leather jacket.

I looked at myself for a moment and then handed the mirror back to Elijah.
We sat in silence. Both me and Elijah to stubborn to say the first word. Rebekah and Hope just looked bored as the tension grew thicker

"So? What did you do?" Rebekah finally said.
I gave Hope a glare that said "shut the fuck up" and I think she got the hint.

"ANSWER WHEN YOUR AUNT IS TALKING TO YOU!" Elijah yelled. I think that's the first time i had ever heard him yell.

"Leave Hope." I said l, looking back down at my hands.

Elijah and Rebekah didn't try and stop her as she got up and left.

"I was in a bar..." I began, knowing this was a terrible start.
"I was bored, so I wanted to see if Cami was there. Mom and Dad were both out of town so I wanted so see her. I went in, asked if she was there, she wasn't. So I was on my way out when a man stopped me. He grabbed me and pulled me into the alley, and was trying to uh. Hurt me." I knew that wasn't true. He had tried to do much more than hurt me. He saw a young girl in a bar and tried to satisfy himself. But I couldn't tell them that. "So I fought back. And it went to far."

Elijah sighed. "Fine." He seemed satisfied with my answer, but still angry. He left the room, I assumed to go find Hope, and that just left me and Rebekah. "Darling, are you sure that's all that happened?" She saw right through my lies. Rebekah and I had always been very close, and she just had a sixth sense to know when I was lying.

"I'm sure Rebekah." I assured her. "Freya will be Home soon. She can help fix those nasty cuts. I would give you my blood but your father would not approve." She stayed with me until Freya Arrived. "What the hell." She dropped her bags and came over to help me immediately. "Freya. It's fine. Their just some little cuts don't worry about it."

Freya did a spell to partially close the cuts, but she said I needed to let them heal naturally if I didn't want a scar. I hugged her and went up to mine and Hope's room.

I didn't mind sharing with her, we have always been quite close. She's my best friend. And I don't know what I would do without her.

"Hope." I said. Her and Elijah were sitting on her bed and he gave her a nod and left us alone. "I'm sorry that I dragged you into this." I looked at my feet.

"Don't worry about it. What are sisters for." She moved over in her bed and I laid beside her.
I fell asleep in her bed, and I never wanted to wake up because tomorrow I would have to face my parents.

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