Part 5

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The next day was Sunday. A pretty normal day as far as supernatural schools go.

"I heard there's another pair of new students transferring in January." Lizzie sipped her tea.

"A set of brothers. Wizards, who are transferring from a boarding school in Europe." Lizzie was always the first to know new information like this. Not only because of the fact that her parents owned the school, but because she knew just how to get her nose where it didn't belong.

"I wonder if they'll be hot?" Lizzie giggled, finished her tea, and walked off to who knows where.

Sunday was quite boring. I did learn a new spell though. A force field, that Josie taught Hope and I.

Hopes magic was blue, and beautiful, like the ocean, or the sky. But mine was red and dark and scary. When I was little I never wanted to do spells in front of her because her magic was so beautiful compared to mine. Freya's magic was also blue. Just like Hope, her magic was beautiful.

As Sunday night drew near, I became more and more anxious about the upcoming full moon.

I had been signed up for fight lessons by my mother, because she thought mine and Hope's magic wasn't enough protection.

So, I had to wake up early Monday morning to do training before classes.

Hope and I had separate training lessons, and hers was in the evening, so I had to quietly sneak out of the room without waking her up.

Alaric was waiting for me out by the woods.

"Isabelle! You ready to get started?" He pulled out a set of gloves from his bag, and I put them on.

He started by going easy on me. But I wasn't about to have that. I wanted to get better, so I made him actually try.

He tried to hit me in the chest so I ducked low and tripped him.

"Are you sure you actually need this?" He said laughing, as I helped him up. 

"I was raised by Marcel Gerard and Klaus Mikaelson. Do you really think I've never had fight training?"

I urged him to fight back harder.

This time he tried to trip me.

"Please. Your going to have to try a lot harder than that." I scoffed.

We continued sparring until the 9am bell rang, and I had to get to class.

"Same time tomorrow professor?" I said as I grabbed my bag and sprinted up the hill.

He nodded and slowly started to grab his things and go back up to the school

The rest of the week was pretty slow, and Lizzie wouldn't shut up about the new transfers.

"I heard, their dad is a supervillain." She playfully sighed and we all started laughing.

The full moon was in a week, and I couldn't think about anything else. Breaking every bone in your body isn't exactly appealing, but Hope reassured me.

Plus, I would get to see my family, so that's a good thing.

The day before the full moon, I had fight training with Alaric.

"Geez professor, your going to have to do a lot better than that." I laughed and helped him up for what felt like the millionth time.

"I think we need to talk to your mom about how she's paying for me to get my ass kicked every day." He laughed.

He was right. I'm not sure what my mom was so worried about.

The full moon was tonight. Which means, all the werewolves were exempt from classes, and today my family arrived.

I hugged my parents as soon as they arrived.

"How are you my darling." My dad smiled at me.

We stayed together all day, and wherever we went was empty because everyone was scared of my dad.

Caroline came to sit with us in the library.

My mom and dad and Caroline were all sitting in the same room.

My mom did love me very much, but she was more connected with Hope, and I had always been jealous of her because of that strong relationship with our mother.

Caroline made small talk, and my father was clearly flirting with her, until it was time for me to go in the woods and turn.

"Darling, it will hurt, im not going to lie to you. But once your in full wolf form you will feel more free than you ever have in your life." I nodded, trying to hold back tears as it began.

I did what my mom and dad had always told me. I let the pain consume me, and before I knew it, I was in wolf form.

My mom looked so proud of me, and she hugged my dad.

I couldn't control myself in wolf form, not during the first full moon, so I ran off somewhere in the woods.

When I woke up in the morning. I wasn't sure where I was. But it wasn't good.

I was standing in a field full of dead vampires.
Luckily none of them were from the school. But I just stood there in shock.

I didn't have my clothes, so I had to steal a jacket from on of the vampires, and that's when I heard someone.

It was my father.

"Oh bloody hell." He parishes in front of the field, and his eyes landed on me.

"In my defence. They were dead when I got here." I didn't know if I had done this or not, but I hoped it wasn't me.

How could a baby werewolf have killed 50 vampires?

"Oh darling, this wasn't you." My dad walked over to one of the vampires and paused for a moment.

There were no claw marks, or indications that this had been me.

Soon after, my mother showed up.

She agreed with my dad, this was not my doing.

But how did I end up here? Who had killed them? And why was I still alive?

The TRIBRIDSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora