Part 2

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I woke up at 2am and couldn't go back to sleep. Hope was still in bed and I didn't want to wake her, so I stayed in the room.

I paced quietly for a while, but eventually I had to do something to calm myself down. New Orleans is so beautiful at night. I couldn't help myself, and I sat down at my easel and started painting. The moon glowed on the Mississippi and I picked up my paintbrush and started painting the beautiful colours of blue and black.

I stoped painting when I heard a noise. It was just past 4am. Dad and mom wouldn't be home until at least 7 or 8. "What the hell." I paused in front of our closet. Mine and Hopes clothes were all off the hangers and on the grounds there was a wooden box on top of them. It had a crescent moon on it.

I was sceptical, and still didn't want to wake Hope, but my curiosity got the best of me. I slowly creaked open the box. There was a small piece of paper inside. "Look behind you." It said. Of course, I whipped around. Nothing.

Relief flooded over me. I turned back towards my closet and a tall man was standing there. He wasn't a man though. His shiny white fangs glowed in the moonlight as he sunk them into me. I screamed, and I'm pretty sure all of New Orleans heard me. Elijah was first in the room because his room is right beside ours. Hope started yelling and by that point most of my blood had been drained while Elijah steaked the vampire.

That's was the last thing I remembered before I woke up.

It was daytime now, and my entire family was in our living room. When I woke up, my dad was there. He hugged me like he never had before.

My mother pushed him quickly out of the way and embraced me once again. "What the hell?" I rubbed my eyes. It had all felt like a bad dream. But the dried blood on my neck said otherwise.

"I'm never leaving you two here without me again." My mother started laughing and crying at the same time.

"Are you alright darling?" My dad rubbed my cheek and gave me a hug again. "Dad. I'm fine." He smiled, and helped me up.

"Girls, do you mind waiting in your room for a while. We have some things to discuss." Elijah shewed us out quickly and shut the door.

"What the Bloody hell happened." Klaus said. "I'm not even sure anymore." Elijah pinched the skin between his eyes and sighed. "It's not safe for them here anymore." Rebekah was twirling her hair and sitting on a chair beside Hayley. "Can you call Caroline? Secure them a place this late in the year?" Freya was reading a spell book while trying to come up with an idea. "I'm not sure. Maybe?" Klaus picked up his phone and started typing frantically. "Wait, wait, wait, shouldn't we ask them what they want to do first. I'm sure they wouldn't want to leave New Orleans." Rebekah turned to Hayley "I really think this is what's best for them" Hayley's heart broke saying those words.

The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted was a supernatural school created by Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman to create a safe environment for young supernaturals.

My family never wanted to send us there because they thought it was unsafe for Me, Hope and the other children.

When Freya was our age, she would have little tantrums where she could not control her magic. And because of the fact that I am so much like my father in more ways than one, Freya thought that it would be in everyone's best interest for us to not attend.

But, my mother and father came soon after to deliver the news, that by tomorrow, we would be attending the Salvatore school for the young and gifted.

Hope had always wanted to go there. She had a Pen pal named Lizzie Saltzman who went there, and apparently her parents owned the school. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad!

We packed up our belongings for our long road trip to Mystic Falls Virginia, and my dad had rented a limousine to take us to the school, because he insisted that the Mercedes wasn't good enough.

Elijah was packing our last bags into the trunk. Most of my belongings were in there, so he better now fuck it up. But I kept a few personal items in my book bag.

I had forgotten to zipper it, and when I stepped out of the house, the entire bag spilt open. "Fuck." I said, quickly trying to gather my belongings.

Rebekah came over to help me, but unfortunately, she picked up the one thing I had wished she hadn't seen. "Do I even want to know why you have a knife?" She picked it up and spun it on her fingers.

"It's actually a dagger. And no." I snatched it from her fingers which were artfully twirling the beautiful dagger and placed it carefully back in my bag.

The next full moon was in two weeks. And my dad had wanted to postpone our departure until then, but my mother insisted. I was terrified of what was to come. Breaking every bone in my body didn't exactly sound appealing. But, Caroline and my mother insisted that we leave that morning as it was safer.

So, that day, December 11th was the day I said goodbye to the French quarter, and New Orleans.

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