Part 4

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It was the weekend at the Salvatore boarding school, and Hope and I were the new students. So we didn't have any friends. Josie and Lizzie came to get us for breakfast, I'm assuming because Caroline made them.

We all walked to the breakfast hall together. Josie and I got talking, and I found out there's an open spot on the Football team. I loved sports of all kinds, and Josie persuaded me to try out. We got our class schedules today
As well, and I have four out of five classes with Hope. And All my classes with Josie.

My schedule was pretty normal. Except I had 3 magic classes. One for spells, one for potions and one for divination.

I found the classes here fascinating. We learned all kinds of magic, it was much more simple than what Freya had been teaching us, but still fun none the less.

I later found out that Josie and Lizzie are Siphoners. And Gemini Siphoners at that. I'd done loads of research on the Gemini Coven and I was bombarding them with questions that they had no answers to.

Football tryouts were later that day.
Josie brought me into the changing room, and we went out on the field together. I was just realizing that this is the first time I had been away from Hope since I got there.

Tryouts were starting and I was getting more and more nervous.

"Alright, I think we've got a pretty solid group of people this year. But remember, the most important rule. No using magic on the playing field."

Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"Alright, let's start. "

Tryouts went pretty smoothly, I accidentally tackled MG a bit to hard, and he hurt his arm. Luckily he's a vampire so it healed quickly.

"I'm so sorry!" I kept apologizing to him because I felt so bad. "It's okay! Seriously. I'm a vampire, look! Good as new." He showed me his arm and it was all healed.

For the rest of the day I hung out with Hope, Josie and I sat with them at lunch.

Later that day Alaric posted the football team list.
I made the cut! I was The Salvatore School for the young and Gifted's QB 1. I knew Lizzie also wanted that spot. But her dad made her team captain, so I think she got over it.

Caroline called me to her office right before dinner.

Oh Fuck what did I do now.

I walked alone down the corridor and shut the door gently behind me.

"Sit! Make yourself comfortable!" Caroline was cheery, so it couldn't be too bad.

"So, I heard you made Quarter back?" Caroline looked down at her laptop and started typing
"Yeah I did! Did Josie tell you?"

I started wondering why she was keeping tabs on me.

"Oh, no! Rick told me." She kept typing profusely.

"Okay, we'll what did you want to tell me." I said, shifting slightly in my seat.

"I just wanted to check how you're making out here? Have you made any friends?" She was still typing.

"I'm doing good! Josie and Lizzie have been great! And so has MG and the entire football team!"i fiddled with my fingers.

"Good! Good!" Caroline opened a drawer.

"My dad asked you to check on me, didn't he." I rolled my eyes and got up to leave.

"Wait! Isabelle." Caroline was holding something.

"Your Aunt asked me to give this to you." She handed me a small silver necklace.

"Oh. Tell her I said thank you." I smiled and walked out.

That was a bit weird. I thought to myself.

Someone pulled me into an empty hallway.
"What the Hell!"

Someone had grabbed me and was now holding a knife to my throat.

"Your father killed my mom. You will pay for his actions." A tall boy with blonde hair and green eyes was holding a small knife to my throat.

Wtf is this kid on-

"Listen. Move. Please. Move, and no one gets hurt." I tried to reason with him, but this boy was out for blood.

"Your father killed the only person I had left."
The boy gripped the knife harder.

"Listen. Im trying to be polite, but if you move that knife a centimetre closer, I will tear you apart."

I wasn't scared of a knife. I'm a Mikaelson Tribrid. It's about time I start acting like one. The boy was a wolf and he had a temper.

But mine was worse.
I flipped him over so he was now pinned to the wall.
"Don't try that again please." I walked away. Hoping that no one saw that.

That's little scene would have made me seem more like my father than ever.

I returned to the dining hall where my sister was seated.

"Hey, where were you?" Hope moved over to make room for me.

"Just had a meeting with Caroline." I shrugged.

"That's a nice necklace." Josie said, referring to the silver mikaelson crest hanging around my neck.

"Oh yeah. It's from Rebekah." I smiled.

"Yeah! I got one too!" Hope showed them the half moon necklace with a green stone in the middle.

"That's beautiful!" Lizzie held the necklace up to the light.

"Yeah it really is." Hope smiled.


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