Chapter 5: Mistakes Part 1

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•here's another one we are halfway through the story•

-Friday Night-

As I finished straightening my hair my phone buzzed. It was a text from Danny my Lit TA.

*From Danny*

I'm here now at The Deans so I'll be waiting :)

-To Danny-

K see you in 10

I quickly replied. I looked in the mirror one more time before flicking off the bathroom light and grabbing my things. I walked from my apartment down five blocks to The Deans Diner. It wasn't particular freezing for a December night in New York, but it was still very chilly. I always hated the cold but yet I live in a place infamous for the winter and it's snow.


Once I walked in the diner I was engulfed in warm air which felt magnificent. I then quickly scanned the diner and I found Danny sitting on a bar stool at the main counter. I took a seat beside the red head and when she turned her head to look at me she smiled wide.

"Hey, Laura. Thanks for coming!" Danny said in an excited tone.

"Yeah no problem, if I wasn't here Id be drinking wine and watching Netflix in bed, so." I said chuckling.

"And I won between Netflix and wine in bed, wow. How lucky am I?" Danny replied joking.

"Very." I said with a grin. "So how's your day been?" I asked making conversation between us.

"Same old, same old. Just doing all the tedious things the Lit professor is too lazy to do and just helping some students. What about you?" She asked returning the question.

"I'm not gonna sugar coat it. I binged a show on Netflix, took a nap and here I am!" I said laughing. I don't regret anything. I had a great nap, watched a hilarious show. All in all, today's been pretty good and now I get to sit here with my friend and have a few drinks.

"Let me guess, you binged watched a show while eating a whole pack of chocolate chip cookies, am I right or am I right?"

I rolled my eyes and mumbled. "You're right..."

"How you live off of junk food still amazes me, Hollis." Danny said as she fooled with her drink coaster.

"Same, to be honest." I replied right when the bartender walked up, she was looking down at her notepad scribbling down an order most likely.

"What can get you-" She said but then stopped talking as she looked up. It was Carmilla. "Laura? What are you doing here with...Clifford?" She asked in a bitter voice that I hope she directed to Danny. Sorry not sorry.

"Calm down Karnstein, we are just having a few drinks." Danny said to Carmilla, who clenched her jaw which every word Danny spoke.

"Well then, what can I get you two?" Carmilla asked with a fake angry smile.

"Just give me a Bud." Danny replied causing Carm to roll her eyes. She then turned her angry gaze to me, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"P-" I tried to start my sentence but Carmilla started and finished it for me.

"Pink Moscato, got it cupcake." Now she was just being an ass. I wish I could read her mind sometimes just so I could see what goes on in the broody little head of hers. After a few minutes Carmilla didn't come back but a dark haired boy who did who slightly resembled her. His name tag read 'Will K'.

"Hello ladies, heres your Budlight and here is your Pink Moscato, enjoy." Will said with a smile.

"Wait, um where'd Carmilla go?"

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