Chapter 8: Under The Influence

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•woo almost done with the story enjoy this chapter•


It's officially one week from Christmas. Me and Carm have spent a lot of time together. I mean a lot.

She's stayed over four out of seven days. She didn't even fight with me about sleeping in my bed. All the other times she's almost bit my head off trying to sleep on the couch.

Right now I'm laying in the little spoon. Yes. I'm pressed up against tightly Carmilla, with her arm wrapped around me. Her warm breath is trickling across the bare skin of my neck.

It feels nice to be cuddled up to someone. Who am I kidding? It feels wonderful. Even better since its with Carmilla. Since the day at the diner she's been absolutely sweet as can be. I mean don't get me wrong, she's always been sweet and gentle but even more so as of late.

I wish I could stay like this for eternity, wrapped up in her warm embrace. But unfortunately, nature calls and my stomach sounds like a dying cat.

I began to wiggle around a little bit in hopes I would wake Carmilla who sleeps soundly like a kitten. Asides from the occasional snore or conversation she has with herself in her sleep.

"Carm, wake up." I said as I wiggled out of her vice like grip. She jostled awake, yawned and collapsed back down closing her eyes groaning.

"No!" Carmilla groaned in agony. Her brow was furrowed and she looked rather adorable.

"Do you want breakfast? I'll cook if you get up..." I said trying to bribe Carmilla to wake. Which she did. She immediately sat up with a smile on her face.

"That would be lovely of my girlfriend to do..." She said with a grin and then said grin fell when she realized she called me her girlfriend.

"Hmm? What was that? Girlfriend?" I said playing at Carmilla's usually game of mockery. Carm just rolled her eyes with a look of annoyance plastered across her face.

"Yes, I called you my girlfriend unless you just want to be my friend, of course that's fine too." She said shrugging her shoulders with a fake nonchalant look. Lord knows she wouldn't give up her title of 'girlfriend of Laura the cupcake'. That would be the last thing she does.

"Don't be a jerk."

"There are worst things to be, like your...girlfriend..." oh it's on like donkey kong.

"Fine then. We're through." I said acting as hurt as I could possibly act to be.

"I'm finally free!!!!" Carmilla said in a joyous tone.

"Don't be a jerk, if you continue to be. No more kissing me." Her grin then fell. But then once again, it was back on her face as sly as ever. She leaned in quick and captured my lips between hers. She took me by surprise and I was going to pull back but dear god, I couldn't bring myself to it.

I can't even begin to describe the way her lips move against mine perfectly in sync. The way ours fit like the last two pieces to a puzzle. Carmilla then pulled back with a huge smirk on her face, her eyes were still closed from the kiss as she bit and kicked her lip and opened her eyes.

"Umm, I'm going to uh, go to the um...bathroom then to uh, make breakfast."

"Don't, uhh, hurt your uhhh, self cupcake uhh."

"Piss off Carm!" I half shouted as I stumbled out of bed flipping her off with both hands as I walked to the bathroom.

Once I was finished I went into the kitchen and made eggs, toast and bacon. I then filled two glasses slightly below the rim with orange juice and placed them on the dining table. I then put the plates along with the silverware and napkins on the table.

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