¤ When You Get Hurt ¤ [√]

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The both of you are once again sitting on the big tree which was once your favorite place to talk and just relax with Slender. He brought you there to show you that it was just an accident and nothing else. Also, he never even meant to hurt you.

"I don't know about this Slender... I won't be so lucky the next time," You admitted shyly.

He clasped your hand in his to reassure you. "I promise that it will never happen, darling," He spoke softly, "And I'm sure you miss gazing at the stars with me." He said cheekily. You wanted to believe him and have faith, but your brain was focused on the memory that kept replaying in your head over and over again.

One of his tendrils wrapped around your waist as he lifted you up onto the exact branch where you sat with Slender for your first date. It was as if you guys were back in time again and the beautiful night sky took your breath away. You put both your hands on the branch to steady yourself and as a precaution to not repeat the same mistake again.

Not more than ten minutes of talking later, you felt an itch on your hand and when you looked over your hand, there were blisters all over your palm and the skin around it were swollen and red. "Slender! Poison ivy!" You yelped in surprise.

"What? Where- Oh my!" Slender quickly took you back to the mansion where he treated your hand. Thank goodness it didn't spread everywhere and it took about a week for two for it to fully heal. From then on, you have a suspicion that mother nature is out to get you.

Jeff The Killer

Since Jeff went on a killing spree, you wanted to do something nice for him just this once. After all, he is your boyfriend - the two of you can't just go running around and pranking each other at 80-years-old. You walked up to his room and saw how messy it was, you could even swear you saw some cockroaches creeping along the walls.

You cringed and braced yourself for the worst as you slipped on a pair of gloves and brought the cleaning supplies into his room. As you were cleaning, you discovered nicely arranged sets of sharp and pointy knives on a table. Honestly, those were the only things you can affirmatively say 'neat'.

Without any hesitation, you picked one up and inspected it carefully. Just as you were doing so, Jeff barged into the room unannounced which made you drop the knife you were holding and sliced your right foot.

"Hey babe, what are- OH MY GOD!" Jeff shrieked when he saw your foot bleeding uncontrollably. You winced at his loud voice and at the pain but you remained calm because panicking won't do anyone good.

"It's okay, I'll just-,"

"NO, IT'S NOT OKAY WOMAN." He picked you up from the floor and brought you to the bathroom to treat the open gash and promised to get you ice creams and movies to watch.

Ben Drowned

You were reading a book upstairs in your bedroom while bed was playing his video games downstairs. There were occasional yells - probably from losing too much - from him which made you irritated.

"Fuck this shit!" Ben bellowed, his voice ringing through the whole house.

"That's it!" You grumbled and put your book on the bed before stomping downstairs. "Ben, can you please-!" Before you could even finish your sentence, something hard thumped you right on the forehead.


"Hey, hey, my favorite girl's up," Your vision was blurry and your head felt very heavy and stuffy when you saw Ben sitting next to you on the couch with a sheepish smile.

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