When You Get Back Together

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Haiii again :3 ,sooo I know you guys hated the breakup scenario ,buttt ,I'll make it up to you guys by making this the sweetest most kawaii apology from the boys ever ! Enjoy ! -Kittie


Slender was miserable since you left him.He would try calling you up but you wouldn't answer which made him more miserable.

When you were out shopping with some friends the next day ,You saw a giant board with the words 'I Love You Y/N And I'm Sorry,Please Take Me Back' You were tearing up and called him immediately.'I love you too ,Slendy.' You sobbed into the phone.

He teleported behind you and your friends squealed."Guys ,can't I ha- ," You turned around and saw Slenderman.He wrapped his tendrils around you and you hugged him.

Jeff The Killer

Jeff was having a hard time being in the 'friend zone'.He would try to flirt with you but you just chuckled and punch him on the shoulder playfully.

Jeff was lying on the floor groaning when you got back home from school/work."Jeff ,dude ,you okay ?" You questioned.He cringed a bit at the word 'dude'.

He crawled to you and hugged your feet."Y/N ,I'm so sorry ! Please take me back ,I hate being in the friend zone ,I love you so much !" He sobbed.You smiled softly and hugged him."I love you too .."

Ben Drowned

He would buy you lots of gifts even though there was no special events going on.He bought you chocolates ,flowers ,your favorite video games and much more.

"Hey Ben ?" "Yeah ?" "Why are there bouquets of roses on the kitchen table ?" You heard foot steps getting closer to you.Ben hugged you from behind and apologized like crazy.

"Y/N ,Please forgive me ,I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you ,I promise to not hit on girls even if they're hotter than you because you are my number one ,Please take me back !" He lightly sobbed into your neck.

He took out the most beautiful bracelet you have ever seen with your name on it."Awe ,Ben ! Apology accepted !" You hugged him and kissed him.

Eyeless Jack

You were having a great time with your friend.You guys went shopping ,ate lots of food and just do crazy thing together.When you were at a store buying some soda for you and your friend ,you spotted Jack running up to you.

You were confused at first 'Why is he here ?' You thought to yourself.Jack ran up to you and panted for a few seconds."H-hi *pant* *pant* I need to explain this .. *pant* *pant* to you ..." "But I- ," before you could even finish Jack grabbed you by the arm and dragged you to the nearest coffee shop.

-Ze time skip to ze fabulous coffee zhop-

"So ,your friend came to your house and I was there waiting for you to get home.So ,I asked her if she wanted to come in and she said yes ,after a few minutes of talking ,*cough* *cough* she must've think I'm hot *cough* *cough* ,she threw herself onto me and I tried pushing her away and-" You shushed him by giving him a kiss.

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