All Thanks to Emma

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I was leaning against the car, staring at the familiar landscape in front of me.


"I only have one brother," Niall said, handing me some cotton candy.

"I only have one sister," I said taking a bite of the cotton candy.

"Okay, well since I now know so much about you," he said, stifling a laugh.

"You're not telling me much either," I said, hitting his arm with the cotton candy.

"Hey don't take it out on the food," he laughed, grabbing the pink cloud from my hands.

"Fine, what do you want to know?" I questioned, crossing my arms. I wasn't in favor of talking about myself seeing I never knew what to say.

"Well I like playing football, what about you?" he started.

"Football, oh you mean soccer. Well I like baseball and volleyball," I responded.

"What's your favorite color?"

"I don't know. I don't want to make any colors feel bad if I just chose one," I joked. "So what kind of music do you like?"

"You're gonna laugh," he itched the back of his head.

"I promise I won't."

"Justin Bieber," he said quietly.

"Oh yeah some of my friends were talking about him a few weeks ago. Any other music?"

"Well, I play guitar and I sing," he said shyly.

I ran over to a bench and gestured for him to sit down. "Well then you're going to have to sing for me then."

*End of Flashback*

"What?" Emma came up next to me, smiling.

"Is this?" I questioned.

Emma hadn't come with me to the fair that day two years ago so how--

"I have my ways," she said, almost reading my mind. She gave me a quick wink before she walked over to Connor, interlocked her fingers with his, and then strolled off.

"Looks like it's just you and me," Sean came up behind me.

I spun around and glared at him before turning and walking away.

He grabbed my wrist. "The chase is the best part," he said.

Was he serious right now? There was no way, no matter how hard he tried, that I would ever even consider liking him so he can cut his 'chase' short, thank you very much.

"I'll get you," he continued.

Did girls really like these types of guys? He was really creeping me out. I tugged my arm from his grasp.

"Back off," I said, finding new confidence.

He laughed at me and shook his head. He gave me a smug look and then turned around to walk to a food cart.

"Just getting some food. Be right back," he yelled over his shoulder.

Take your time, I thought.

Since I was standing in the middle of the fair, alone, I pulled out my phone to make it look like, well I don't know why, it just made me feel less awkward. I guess I could've walked away so I could lose him, but something was telling me to stay put.

I checked my phone-- I had a text from Clara. I forgot that she was bound to visit soon. She better hurry! I missed her!

'Hey cheek, what hotel are you staying at in London? Just curious.'

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