You Just Made My Day, Mr. Horan

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"Haha yeah right!" I squealed, scrunching up my nose.

It was a gorgeous June day. The breeze was perfect and it was not raining, which surprised me, considering the amount of research I did on Ireland before the trip. However, I do love the rain, and not just because it makes for a cute, cliche couple moment. Niall and I were sitting in a tiny cafe called Mignon. We had just finished eating our entrees and we had just received our desserts. Yes!!

"C'mon! You gotta try this, it's delicious," Niall said while very dramatically licking his lips.

"I refuse to eat that!"

"It's only chocolate, Lennon."

Okay, now before you go off on some wild tangent, I don't like chocolate, never have. As much as I want to like it, I just don't. Chocolate is basically in every dessert and I want to like it so bad but every time I try it, no luck. Yuck!


We exited the cafe. The breeze felt incredible, although it probably made my hair look stupid and not at all seductive like in movies. However, I made myself look like a bigger loser by twirling around with my arms spread out on either side of me.

Niall started laughing at me and I started laughing too, well that is until I got dizzy and fell over onto the sidewalk. Wow Lennon, smooth.

At this Niall could not contain his laughter. He was laughing so loudly and instead of feeling completely embarrassed, I just sat and listened to him laugh, smiling to myself. That sounds really creepy but his laugh makes me want to melt.

After laughing for a good two minutes, Niall put his hand out and helped me up.

"You just made my day, Lennon Giovanni!" Niall grinned.

"And you just made mine, Mr. Horan," I said under my breath, smiling.


"I just don't understand how someone can not like chocolate," Niall blurted out as we were a few blocks from my hotel.

"Oh my goodness! You're bring this up again? I just don't like it. Get off my back yo!" I said giggling.

"Oh my goodness? Who the heck says oh my goodness?"

"Okay, is that really all you got out of that sentence and I don't know, I just say it."

"Interesting," Niall said smiling, ending the conversation as we arrived at the hotel.

The trip up the elevator was quiet but it wasn't an awkward quiet, it was a comfortable quiet.

Niall and I stood in front of my room and this where the awkwardness sets in. We both looked at each other for a minute and then he gave me a hug. A hug? I guess you gotta start somewhere. I returned his hug and we said our goodbyes, as I walked back into my hotel room.


"Lennon, where the hell have you been?" yelled my older sister, Emma.

Oh did I forget to mention I had an older sister, my mistake. Emma and I don't get along like most sisters do. We are constantly fighting but, in a way, our fighting reassures that she cares about me. Emma and I are polar opposites. Emma is eighteen years old. She has long shiny, blond hair and dark, brown eyes. She is quite tall and she is gorgeous, I envied her for that. She always looks so put together and she is my fashion icon, yet I would never tell her that.

"Hello to you too, Em."

"Don't be smart with me Lennon, Mom made me stay here and wait for you to show up. I would rather go out than to sit cooped up in this hotel room, ya know."

"Let's be real here, Em. We both know why you want to go out. You hate vacations Emma but you don't mind Irish accents do you?" I laughed.

Emma's face went red. The only reason she came on this trip was to meet Irish boys and little did she know that I met one first. She would wring my neck if she found out.

"And may I ask where you were?" she questioned.

"Ummm... I went to get food," ok she had to believe that.


Didn't think about that, ugh.


"Well then who were you with and don't say Matt because he came round about five times asking for you, quite annoying if I do say so myself."

Ughh! Matt. That was my only excuse. What was I supposed to tell her now?

"Umm... Well.. Ya see... Imetthisguyatthesnackstandatthecarnivalandhewasshowingmearound," I said in all one breath.

All of the sudden, my sister started smiling. Why would she be smiling?

"You met a guy?" she said smiling. "Like a guy that might be more than a friend?"

Was she really happy about this?

"Yes," I said cautiously. This might be a trap.

All of the sudden, she ran over to me and gave me a hug.

"I knew you weren't a lost cause!"

"Wow thanks Em."

"Ok tell me everything."

So I did, I told her everything Niall and I did today and everything Niall told me about himself, the whole time she listened intently.

"So are you gonna see Niall again?" she asked.

"Yeah, tomorrow, if you don't tell Mom."

"Of course I won't tell Mom silly! My little sister has a boyfriend!" she squealed. "This calls for a makeover!"

Up until then, that was probably the most we've bonded, ever. Who knew it would just be about boys?



A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant