What Fear of Planes?

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"Bye Mom. Bye Dad. Bye Em!!!"

I was standing on the bridge thing to get to my plane. I had tears in my eyes and I was waving to my family. Three months, I told myself, it's only three months. They waved back to me and more tears started streaming down my face. In case you couldn't tell, I don't like being away from my family.

I slowly turned around and started walking to the plane. I adjusted the purple duffel bag that was sitting on my shoulder. It was filled with magazines, my iPad, headphones, and a stuffed animal my best friend gave me (no judgement). I got onto the plane and walked back to the coach seats. I found my seat number and placed my bag on the seat. I unzipped it and pulled out a fairly new issue of People magazine and my iPad. I zipped the duffel bag back up and placed it in the overhead compartment. Darn. I pulled the bag back down and grabbed my headphones. There, now I'm all set.

Thankfully, I did not have the middle seat, I had the window. I sat down waiting to see who would sit next to me. I heard a woman telling two young children where to sit, which happened to be next to me. The boy that sat next to me looked to be about nine. He had on a soccer t-shirt and black sweatpants. The other boy, whom I assumed was his brother, looked about fifteen. He had on a SnapBack, baggy tan shorts, and a plain blue t-shirt. He acted like he was too cool for school, if you ask me, with the large headphones that were on his ears.

"Now don't annoy this young lady, Alex!" the woman said to the younger boy.

I smiled at her and asked," Would you like to sit here with your boys?"

"No it's okay, I have to sit next to my youngest," she said laughing. Out of nowhere, a little boy, probably about four, ran towards his mother and wrapped his arms around her leg. "But that was very polite of you to offer. I'm sitting right behind you boys so behave!" she said walking away and seating herself behind us.

"Hi, I'm Alex!" the little boy stated energetically. "What's your name?"

"Haha! Hi Alex, I'm Lennon," I smiled back.

"Like John Lennon's last name?" the older boy piped up, taking the headphones off of his ears.

"Yeah! Do you like the Beatles?"

This topic seemed to interest him. Huh? A music junkie. These are the kind of boys I liked when I was younger.

"Are you kidding? The Beatles are only the best band in the entire world!" he stated matter-of-factly.

"I completely agree. And your name is?"


"Alex and Dan... Cool," I said to them, smiling.

Alex interrupted, "How old are you? I'm eight and a half." I never understood why little kids had to state if they were half or three quarters or whatever into their age but it was cute.

"I'm seventeen, and three quarters I guess," I told them giggling. "And Dan, you are?"


Called it.

We went into a long conversation about where we both lived, which was about fifteen minutes from each other, and why we were traveling to England, until Alex fell asleep. Dan scooted Alex over and moved next to me. At this point, we were about an hour into the plane ride.

Dan and I talked about music, all different kinds. We discussed the Rolling Stones, Frank Sinatra, and of course, the Beatles. I always liked that my name was connected to the Beatles since they were my favorite band. After talking about both of our obsessions with older, classic music, we started talking about recent artists.

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