All Around me are Unfamiliar faces

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I stood around sipping the horrible watermelon vodka punch, I couldn't be around Jackson the whole party but yet I was so alone, no one to talk to. I had been standing around on my phone but then, I heard a voice. "Roman?" Pluto grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around "Pluto? Why are u here?" I looked at them, shocked. "I could ask u the same thing," they say, pulling me into a tight embrace, their touch is warm, it made me feel comforted "so did Jackson drag you here?" They asked, letting me go "yea" I chuckled, looking down at my feet. They laughed "god ur a pushover," they said pushing my right shoulder back, "I just came here to get LIT," they said pounding back what I assume is the same punch in my cup. "Here take mine, this shit is nasty" I handed Pluto my cup "yea it's gross, but hey I'm just getting drunk." they laughed pounding my cup of punch "well uh you wanna chill with me? two HOT girls are sitting at the top of the stairs I've been eyeing up all night. Pluto asked "Nah I'm gonna go find Jackson, have fun tho" I smiled. "Well hey, don't do anything I wouldn't do" they pat my shoulder "what wouldn't u do?" "good point," said and laughed "well come meet up with me later, we haven't talked all summer man" Pluto looked at me looking sad "yea I've just been busy" I sighed and smiled at them. "Well see u later" they chuckled and I watched as Pluto walked up the stairs sitting with two girls.

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