I always feel like sombodys watching me

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~5 hours later
I stare at the ceiling, thinking about what I'm gonna do when I see him again. It's not like I can avoid him my whole life, we still go to the same school. My phone buzzed "Roman, can I call you?" I unlock my phone reading a message from Pluto. "Yeah sure," I reply and call them first. "Roman is okay?" Pluto asks almost in a panic. "What? Yea I'm fine, are u?" I ask. "Uh yeah I'm fine but I just say Jackson like a block away from your house," Pluto says still a little frantic, "Well you know he got out today, I'm sure he just walking home." I reassure Pluto "yea you're probably right," say their breathing going back to normal speed. "Well uh call me later, I'm still a little worried," Pluto says. "Yea, of course, I will, but seriously I'm gonna be okay," I say again "well I just wanna make sure," Pluto says "I know, and I'll call u," I say and they hang up. I decided to get up, I can't just sleep all day. I stand up and walk over to the window, pulling open the curtains I lookout. I watch a few cars pass and realize I should probably go do something. I slip on my shoes and walk out the door. It was summer so I decided to go for a walk.

I guess I didn't realize how much time had passed cause after a minute of walking the sun was starting to set. I decided to finish my walking around the block cause it should only take 10 minutes and I want to watch the sunset.

I keep walking, the sun completely set and it was hard to see around me besides the scattered street lamps ahead of me. The summer air is warm on my skin, it was nice, comforting. I can see my house up ahead but I decide to stop and sit for a minute. I walk under the street light and sit on the floor but I start to feel uneasy like someone was watching me. I look around me and see no one. I pull out my phone and call Pluto. "I'm gonna go to bed early so better call them now," I think putting the phone up to my ear. I sit and listen to the ringing of the phone, no answer. I call again, no answer. I start to worry a little but I brush it off cause they are probably just busy. But as soon as I do that uneasy feeling returns. I look around but this time I see a shadow coming up from behind me. I start to panic, jumping up onto my feet. "Roman?" Pluto walks up "oh thank god it's just you" I sigh with relief "what are you doing out here?" I ask, "I want to come to check on you, in-person," they say. "Well uh thank you but I'm fine" I try to give a reassuring smile "but it kinda feels like someone's watching me," I say and Pluto's sweet expression changes too seriously quickly. "Come on, you should be inside you don't know what's happening out here at night. They grab my shoulder, walking with me to my house. yet the whole time Pluto seems on edge, looking all around us, their breathing heavy. "Are u okay?" I ask as I stop at my door "yea, what I'm fine" Pluto looks around again "you sure?" I ask again and they nod. "Well I'm glad your so worried, but I'll be ok, promise" I hug Pluto and open my door. "Goodnight" they smile and wave as I walk inside.

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