He's aggressive but i love it

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I decided to take a breather outside after they left. I slid the side door open and stepped outside the cold air rushed across my face. I took a deep breath in, the cold air burned my lungs. "Jackson..." I whispered to myself, god I wasn't gonna get over him, we had been friends for so long. I took another deep breath, the fact yelling of jock bros made it hard to think "HEY MAN, WHAT THE FUCK?" I heard a voice yell from over the high boarded fencing...wait that's Jackson's voice. I grabbed the top of the fencing, flinging my body over. My feet hit hard, my ankles burned. "BRO BRO RELAX" I saw Pluto slowly backing away, hands up. "JACKSON WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING!?!" I yelled "SHUT UP ROMAN" he screamed and I watched as he lunged at Pluto "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" A crowd formed around them, screaming and yelling. "JACKSON" I sprinted up, put Jackson into an arm lock. I fell back, Jackson laying on top of me, kicking, yelling. I always thought he was cute when he was angry, but he took it too far. I flipped him over, pinning his arms down on the grass. "GET OFF OH M-." I leaned in and kissed him, trying to get him not to yell. The crowd erupted, yelling, laughing. "OMG JACKSON UR GAY?!?" The crowd started, shocked. "FREAK" a girl pointed and laughed. Jackson looked at me with pure disgust "get off of me" he growled, pushing me back with his knee. I get off of him I could feel tears filling my eyes "U FUCKING FAGOT" Jackson pushed me to the floor. And he stormed off. My heart started to pound so fast It felt like I was having a heart attack, my breathing heavy, the tears streaming down my face. "ROMAN" Pluto hugged me from behind. "u didn't have to do that for me" Pluto held me tight, tears also streaming down their face. "Fagot?" I cupped my face crying. "Hey hey no you're perfect just the way you are" Pluto helped to stand me up, pulling me into another tight hug. "Here come to walk with me, Jackson isn't gonna get away with this shit" Pluto started to walk, grabbing me by the arm. "Your eye" I grabbed Pluto's face looking at the massive bruise around their eye "I'm fine", they smiled weakly and started to walk.

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