Gone but not forgotten

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~five minutes later
When Pluto and I arrived at the police station, I kinda thought their reaction was a bit extreme but none the less I didn't try to stop them. We talked to an officer and sat waiting for Jackson and his family to arrive. "What am I gonna say to him after this?" I asked Pluto, my eyes still watering. "Nothing, if he doesn't respect you then he isn't worth keeping around." They said, patting my shoulder. I heard a loud groan and a door creaking shut. "Roman..." it was true to see Jackson staring at me, his eye pierced through me like sharp spears. "Uh, Jackson London?" The officer asks, Jackson simply nods, His eyes still glaring at me.

I didn't see him after that, I simply hugged Pluto goodbye and went on the walk home. My mind was racing, I was afraid of Jackson but I was more afraid of what people would say now that they knew, knew I was bi. I felt depressed after that, especially when Jackson left. He went to prison for 6 months, not just because of assault but drugs too. I never saw this side of Jackson, he would always get upset easily but never like that. I remember all the things I used to think about, I remember how much I missed him But he has just been gone so long that I've almost forgotten.

He gets out today but I don't plan to see him, I know it will do more harm than good and I don't think he wants to see me anyways. Although not seeing him is ripping me apart, I decided to take the day off school, for myself. I already spent last night staring at the ceiling. Why not all day too.

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