genderfluid - shinkamisero

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CWs: genderfluid Sero, polyamorous relationship, angst
Info: "Baby🖤" = Sero, "Insomniac💜" = Shinsou, "Pika💛" = Kaminari,,, youll understand why Shinsou and Kaminari use she/her pronouns for Sero but ill use he/him further on

3rd POV:

on a chilly december saturday, Shinsou, Kaminari and Sero decide to go to the park. over text, of course, even though they were all in the common area in their pyjamas.

Baby🖤: what should we do today? im bored
Insomniac💜: idk.
Baby🖤: dry bitch /lh
Pika💛: hmm its pretty cold and will probably get dark soon so maybe just the park?
Baby🖤: sounds good to me, i just wanna get out of the house :')
Insomniac💜: sure, ig.
Pika💛: u ok Hito??
Insomniac💜: im fine.

Shinsou looks up from his phone and looks at Kaminari quickly, then back down at his phone, his knee bouncing.

Pika💛: alright, love u <3
Pika💛: unless its a pj party we should prob go change ye?
Baby🖤: yep
Insomniac💜: k.

Shinsou is the first to get up, and he quickly goes to his own dorm to find some clothes to wear. Kaminari is the next up, practically skipping to his room, leaving Sero alone.

then, Sero makes his decision and walks to his room. he goes over to his jewellery box and pulls out a pink bracelet with the letter beads "she⭐️her" on, then goes to his furthest away wardrobe. this is the one with all of his feminine clothes in, so he opens the doors and pulls out a black skirt, black tights and knee high stripy socks. laying them out on his bed, he grabs a my chemical romance tshirt (which he may or may not have stolen from Shinsou) from his other wardrobe and lays it with the other clothes. then, he goes to his desk and sits down, and takes out his tongue piercing. he flips up his septum ring and takes out his eyebrow piercing, as well as his industrial bar. he then puts a safety pin earring in his first lobe, and two different kind of studs in his second and third. Sero pulls out a makeup bag and sets it all out on his desk, putting on some simple makeup with a black smokey eye with pink glitter on his inner corners. he puts a little pink lipstick on and smudges it to make it less obvious, then looks at his binder longingly. how he wished to wear it. but, he went to his underwear drawer and pulled out a bra instead and put it on, still wearing boxers to keep that small shred of masculinity. he gets dressed and rips up the tights, then puts on the socks and a pair of demonia swing-815s - his favourite shoes no matter the day.

as soon as hes done he walks to Kaminari's room, the three's designated meeting place when theyre all going out. the other two are already waiting outside, and Sero starts to get nervous.

Kaminari and Shinsou's eyes instantly go down to Sero's left wrist and then they smile brightly
"hey baby!! you ready to go?" Kaminari asks
"no, Denks, shes not, shes not got a jacket and its freezing out."
Sero takes a deep breath, thinking to himself 'its fine. you can do this. for them.'
"ughhhhh fineeeeee," Kaminari goes into his dorm and comes back out with a leather jacket that definitely belongs to Sero, but theyve all got random stuff of each others
"i was looking for that, thank you," Sero lies, putting the jacket on. "lets go then"

Shinsou and Kaminari each take one of Sero's hands, helping him to feel a lot safer than he did before. then Sero realises. he forgot his beanie. hes fucked. he wears his beanie everywhere, its one of his comfort items, and hes definitely going to need it today.

"uh, guys? i forgot my beanie, can i go grab it?"
"sure, go grab it, well wait at the door for you." Hitoshi replies, smiling slightly. Sero runs to his dorm and grabs the beanie, carefully putting it on. he then grabs a mini backpack and puts in a pair of skinny jeans and his binder. just incase. he then runs down to the UA dorms entrance to see his boyfriends waiting, Shinsou staring at the floor with his head down and Kaminari happily bouncing on the balls of his feet playing on his phone.
"im back.."
"lets go." Shinsou says dryly
"mhm!!!" Kaminari grins and pulls both of them out of the door

the three arrive at a bridge then slowly go down a hill by it. too lazy to then climb up the ladder to get to their spot at the bottom of the bridge, Sero grabs both his boyfriends and pulls them up with his tape.
"woah!!" Kami laughs and sits down on a blanket they left up there, pulling a few cans of spray paint out of his bag "i brought the paint just incase!"
Hitoshi just sits with his knees to his chest, staring out at the horizon
"whats wrong, 'toshi??" Denki asks his purple boyfriend, concerned for the boy.
"nothing, Denks. something just feels.. off," Hitoshi rests his chin on his knees "about today. something weird is going on."
"hopefully nothing bad will happen.." Kaminari says, pulling out a neon yellow spray paint and getting up

Sero wraps his arms around his chest and imitates the way Shinsou is sitting, his knees to his chest.

"okay, what the fuck is going on with you two?"
"nothing, im fine" Sero and Shinsou say in unison.
"fine, whatever you say." Kaminari finishes the painting hes doing and sits in between his partners

Sero takes off his she/her bracelet, fiddling with it silently
"alright, you never do that, Hanta whats wrong." Kaminari looks at Sero and moves closer to Shinsou so that he can face Sero
"......nothing, im ok, really..."
"bullshit." Hitoshi joins in
"tell us whats really going on"
Sero throws his bag to his boyfriends, so they open it and look inside
" wasn't a fem day, was it"
Sero shakes his head at his energetic boyfriend
"then why..?" Hitoshi asks
fiddling with the hem of his skirt, Sero mumbles "i wanted to make you two happy.."
the two boys pull Hanta to them and hold him close
"were always happy with you, baby.. no matter how you present," Shinsou whispers "at least we found out what felt off though." Kaminari nuzzles the top of Sero's head.

the three boys go to a close by public bathroom, Denki and Hitoshi helping Hanta change into his binder and jeans. he didnt really need help, but what boys wouldnt jump at the chance to see their partner practically naked? except the asexual ones and the likes, but neither are, so thats what we're going with.

1138 words

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