hes... dead. (TodoDeku)

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Todoroki POV:

im sat in my room, playing on my phone when i get a text from Izuku

Izu💚: sweetie come down to the common room!
Sho🤍: im on my way, but why?
Izu💚: you'll find out when you get here x

i get up and leave my dorm, quickly going down to the common room.
i see the news is on- then i see my dad on the TV?
hes fighting a winning battle.

i sigh, kneeling on the floor and watching.
Hes fighting some really strong villain, so i watch eagerly.
my dad and i have settled our differences lately, and the todoroki's are more of a family. especially since mum got out of the mental hospital.

i soon get bored and look around for my boyfriend, spotting him. i sit next to him and he cuddles up next to me.
i watch tensely, as i see my dad send blast after blast of fire at the villain- then more appear out of nowhere.
he continues fighting, knocking a few out.

"no... dad no you cant take them all" i whisper as more and more appear. i get off the sofa and get closer to the TV.
"dad dont be an idiot- call for help! get hawks or- or- or somebody dad!" i whisper in fear.

i watch in horror as he hovers in the air with his fire, throwing more fire at the villains.
"dad please..."
somebody comes up behind me.
without checking who it is i cry out
"get the fuck away from me!"

"sho... sho its me.." i hear izu's voice
"please izu stay back" i whisper

"now to deliver the final blow" i hear my dad say and i watch.
"dad no behind you!" i cry as he gets thrown at the ground full force.

i watch him fall.
as soon as his body hits the ground i know its over- nobody could fall that far and live to tell the tale.

"no!" i scream loudly.

Midoriya POV:

i watch sho at the centre of the room as he lights up in flames.
the floor around his left side turns to solid ice.
"go! go get mr aizawa! now!" i say to the closest person to me. they get up and run out of the dorms. i get as close as i can to his left side
"sho, sweetheart, i need you to listen to me" i start softly
"Hes gone! Izu hes gone! just as our family started getting itself together he dies!" he screams
"i was gonna take you home next week to meet them" he tells me quietly, his quirk still activated.

Aizawa walks into the room and we lock eyes. i give a nod and his gaze turns to sho.
shoto's body instantly puts out and i pull him into a gentle hug.
"im sorry for getting so worked up" he says, more monotone than usual. he stands up and tries to walk out of the dorms.
"sho, half of your clothes are destroyed" i remind him and he nods.
i toss him the hoodie im wearing and he puts it on, nodding at me.
"dont leave school grounds" aizawa says and he nods again, leaving the dorms.

Todoroki POV:

i walk out and instantly pull my phone out, thankful it wasnt burnt or frozen.
i call Natsu.

ring ring
ring ring
( bold = natsuo  normal = shoto next phone call, bold = touya/dabi)

"hey little brother, whats wrong?"
"Nat are you with Yumi?"
"sure am. why?"
"did you see the news?"
"no, why?"
"dads dead. i need you two to come up to UA, my teacher wont let me leave the grounds"
"were on our way"

he puts the phone down and my eyes start watering.
i try Touya's old number.

ring ring
ring ring
ring ring
ring ring
ring ring
"hello...?" i whisper
"who is this?"
"is this Touya..?"
"depends. who's asking?"
"touya its shoto... dad's dead... we were finally putting our family back together..."
"im coming to UA. tell your teachers that i may be dabi but im also touya and was forced into villainy. tell them i didnt want to be a villain. i promise not to attack if they dont. tell them im your brother coming to comfort you"

he puts the phone down and i run back to the dorms.

"Mr Aizawa, Dabi is coming to the school." i begin
"he what?!"
"but dont worry- hes my older brother and has promised not to attack if you dont. my other brother and sister are coming, i decided to try touya's old number. he picked up. he was forced into the villain life. hes just coming to comfort me." i tell him and he nods.

~~~time skip: 10 minutes~~~

we hear a short knock on the door of the dorms.
i look out to see Touya, and Natsu and Yumi standing a few feet away from him.
"can i let them in, sir?"
"go ahead."

i open the doors.
"Yumi, Natsu, its Touya." i say simply and Fuyumi gets closer, staring at him.
"it is you!" she squeals and hugs him tightly. understandable- theyre twins after all. natsu pulls me over and we both join the hug.
"guys you can come in"
"sho are you sure? i mean i dont want bakugo to get freaked out or anything" touya says and i shake my head
"Bakugo! hes my older brother so calm your man titties!" i shout through and pull all three of them inside.
ignoring what i said, bakugo runs at touya. i stop him with a wall of ice.
"like i said. hes my brother."
he grumbles but lets it go.
Izu walks over to us.

"hey, im Izuku Midoriya" he offers his hand to the three, not caring who shook it.
Fuyumi shakes his hand politely, Natsuo does after her and Touya just avoids eye contact.
Izu persists, holding his hand out. Touya shakes it with a small smile.
"Touya Todoroki." he says with a nod.
they introduce themselves one by one
"this is my boyfriend" i say with a laugh
"finally!" Natsuo says and i hit his arm.
Bakugo walks up to us and gets close to Touya, looking him in the eyes. he then comes up to me, looking in mine.
"you have the same eyes. ill buy it." he says and walks off
i laugh slightly
"yeah hes been more... skeptical about everything since summercamp." i tell them
"sorry about that by the way!" touya calls after him, receiving the finger as an answer.
"yall left scars." i say simply and he nods.

since not everyone was in the common room, we Todoroki's sit on one sofa.
bakugo sits at the other end of the room, eyeing touya nervously.
Touya rolls his eyes and walks slowly over to him.

"look dude, im sorry about what i did." he kneels in front of him and shows his wrists
"quirk disabling bracelets." he says and bakugo nods. Touya walks back to us with a smile. i lay over their laps.

"damn i forgot how comfortable yall are" i say with a laugh, earning a flick from Natsuo.
"Sho how come youre so happy?" izu asks
"ive finally got my big brother back. my big brother who always cared for me when dad didnt. Love you Nat but Touya always helped me after training. no matter what." izu smiles softly
"also sho would you mind?" he asks and motions to the floor which is covered in ice
i grumble as i get up.
i heat up my hand as i watch touya stand up and take one of the bracelets off, helping me.
we melt all of the ice and continue until the floor is dry.
"thanks touya" i say and he puts the bracelet back on, showing bakugo his wrists once again. we sit back on the sofa and i lay across them again, holding one of Touya's hands.
"izuuuuuu" i whine and he comes over to me
"sit" i say with a pout and he does so with a small laugh. i twirl a small strand of his hair around my finger, watching whatever is on the TV.

"Number 1 Hero Endeavour-" the reporter begins, and the channel quickly flicks so its on Netflix instead. i look around to see bakugo with the remote.
"thanks bakugo.." i mumble out and sit between Natsuo and Touya. i lean my back against the sofa and Touyas side, him putting his arm over my shoulders. i put my legs on Natsuo and Fuyumi's laps.

then reality starts to hit me again.

"Touya... you could come home." i say softly
"the league, sho. theyre my friends."
"you could convince them to stop being villains? not become heroes just... stop being villains."
"i dont think i could.. crusty has a tragic backstory, society hasnt accepted Jin since his accident that made him twice, Crazy is just crazy, i dont know about Mama Giri, spinner is, well, spinner."
i sigh softly
"couldnt you at least try...? i know bits and pieces about Shigaraki, you could convince him that heroes arent all that bad"
"ill try.. but if they kick me out of the league.."
"then you can come home."
"ok.." he says and i hug him tightly
"thank you touyaaa!!" i squeal

1560 words,,, part 2 at some point?

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