Pt.8 Memories

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" Wake up! Busy day! Lot's of work to do! "

I groaned and rolled over in bed.

" Doctor it is WAY too early to be waking me. "

" It's 8:30 am. "

" Exactly, do you have a death wish? "

The Doctor ignored my whiney tone (something one only does if they want a kick in the-) and attempted to pull me out of the covers.

" Rise and shine! "

" Fuck off! "

"Thats not the attitude I'm looking for."


About thirty minutes later, The Doctor and I headed out into the city. It would normally take me ages to get up, but he had decided to 'hurry' a word that should only be taken into action during fires or mass murders.

We had politely skipped breakfast ( in fact, The Doctor had to drag me away from a plate of scones, but I don't like to talk about that..) And headed out to the crime scene. We went about interviewing the locals.

The majority of them were rude and refused to talk about the incident. We were walking down the street completely defeated, when I felt a tap on my leg.

I turned to see a young girl dressed in rags. She looked at me with her large grey eyes, and didnt even smile.

" Miss, I heard you was lookin for the person who killed that boy. I came to tell ya not to go pokin' round in places ya ought not too, if ya know whats good for ya. "

She then turned away and walked off. I looked at The Doctor, confusion etched in my face.

" What... what just happened?? "

The Doctor said. He looked as confused as I felt.

" I don't know. But I have a feeling we're gonna find out. "

I said. As we walked back to the Inn, I had the horrible feeling I was being watched...

Later that night, after several bowls of soup, I still felt slightly sick. The Doctor was oddly quiet. I decided to try and interrogate him. I do it all the time with any new friends.

" Doctor where did you find the TARDIS? "

I asked, sitting on the bed beside him. He snapped out of his thoughts.

" Oh I didn't find her! She came from my planet. I stole her.. Ran away... That was a long time ago.. "

He said, a sad look crossing his face. I frowned.

" Did you just travel on your own? Wasn't that lonely? "

He frowned for a second.

" Oh no, I've travelled with so many people over this time... So many friends. Eventually though, they all left me. "

I had never seen him this sad. Probably given I'd only known him a few days.

" Isn't that always the way? "

I said bitterly. The Doctor looked at me and smiled softly.

" Who did you lose? "

He asked. I blinked back tears. I had tried so hard not to let myself think about this. I shook my head softly.

" Doesn't matter. They're gone now, anyway. "

He didn't respond to that, and instead stared into space. I did the same. I briefly wondered who he had lost. But that thought was consumed by another and another, until I eventually fell asleep, my head resting on The Doctors shoulder.

He didn't even attempt to move.

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