I could have found peace

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I drink until I'm satisfied, my judgement is clearing and I realise what I am doing. I stop, I hear Jeremy's heart beat, he is still alive. I bite my fore arm and hold it to Jeremy's mouth. I dont care about him but my brothers and Elena do and I dont need them more mad at me than they are. I hold onto Jeremy, I look to see Stefan and Damon blocking Elena, they are ready for a fight. I could beat both of them, I just fed and I have more blood in me than the both of them combined. They are smart though, Jeremy has my blood in his system, one simple snap of the neck then he will be in transition, they aren't going to risk moving.

"Grace," Stefan says his arms up as if I am a startled horse, "give him back to us."
I am panicking, I do not know what to do. I hear Elena in tears and Jeremy is barely conscious, so I run. I run into the woods to the old Lockwood cellars. I chain Jeremy up.

I am not sure what I am going to do with him but he is currently great leverage, Damon and Stefan will clearly do anything for Elena so I need to take advantage of this. Then Jeremy starts to wake up, "where am I?" He grumbles, I ignore his question.

"You do not have vervain in your system so I could compel you very easily, so please cooperate to make this easier on yourself."

"I'm not telling you anything." Jeremy grunts attempting to stand up.

"I think you will, my blood is in your system, I can break your neck as easy as a twig and then you will be in transition. I will bring in a human and you will not be able to resist. I can make the death more painful, like death by fire or tearing you limb from limb. I think you will want to give me whatever I ask."

Then my phone rings, it is Damon. "What can I do for you dearest brother?" I say my tone dripping with sarcasm. "As you may have guessed, we would love if you could return Jeremy to us, alive preferably." Damon says matching the sarcasm in my voice. "Maybe, I just need to find out a few things then I will return him, the alive part depends if he cooperates," then I hang up.

"So, Gilbert, what have Stefan and Damon said about me behind my back?" I say. I know it's immature to ask that but I need to know what he knows. Jeremy remains silent. I lean in and lock eyes which him.
"What have my brothers said about me while I wasn't there?" I say compelling him.
"They are trying to figure out how to break the spell Kol is under to use him to get you to flip the switch." Jeremy tells me.
I cannot let that happen, if my humanity comes back, so do all of the memories, the pain, the anger and the guilt for what I have done.

I call Damon back, "Hey, so change of plans, I need a disposable vampire, either you give me Caroline or I turn Jeremy and I really don't want to, so you have until midnight to let me know your decision." I hang up and see Jeremy looking at me.

"You know you dont have to do this right? You dont have to go through on whatever your revenge plan is." Jeremy says in an attempt to calm me down.

"Yes I do," I yell throwing a rock at the wall, "I have been 15 for over a century and a half, do you know how awful that is? I have lived lifetimes in the body of a child and it is all Stefan's fault! If I die now I go to hell, if I had died that night in 1864, I could have found peace, I was pure and innocent, now I am a killer with my brother's girlfriend's brother chained up!" I pause and my voice becomes quiet, "and the worst part of it is that Stefan is happy, he is in love with Elena and Katherine has left, and I am alone and will be for the rest of my life which could be centuries." I take a breathe.

"Not that I don't see your side but I will protect Elena so you don't have to do this." Jeremy tells me.

I laugh "You're kidding right? Look at you, I could have killed you, I still might and I am less than 200 years old. The Originals are over 1000 years old, what do you think the will do to you? even the other creatures that will come looking for Elena to please Klaus, we are talking about vampires that are over seven hundred years old or witches that can tear you apart with their mind or werewolves that can kill a vampires with a single bite. you couldn't protect yourself from me, I don't think you can handle what is coming for you."

Before Jeremy can say anything Stefan calls me.

"Hello Stefan Salvtore," I answer.

"Grace, you don't have to do this," Stefan says.

"Oh but see there is the problem. I do, like I was just explaining to my good friend and current prisoner Jeremy, I have been stuck in a 15 year old body for lifetimes and I hate it, if you let me die that night I could have found peace, now I have killed countless people I have no chance of finding peace. Guess who's fault that is? And the part that pisses me off the most, the fact you found happiness with Elena and every chance I have had of happiness is gone. So yes, I do need to do this otherwise you will have gotten off too easy. Now, like I said, either give me Caroline or I turn Jeremy, and I would hate to have to turn somebody." I hang up.

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