You've Been Marked

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*back to Grace*
"What does Tyler know about vampires?" I ask Katherine as I slide her another cup of blood.
"How would I know? I have been stuck here," Katherine tells me as she sips blood.
"Do you know any other werewolves?" I question her.
"I did, but your brother killed him, so I had to use Tyler," Katherine says, clearly annoyed. I sit up straighter.
"Who?" I ask as I tempt her with more blood.
"His uncle, I had him all ready to go but," she pauses to take a sip of blood, "he got to cocky with your brothers."
I nod trying to think.
"What side?" I ask.
"Huh?" Katherine looks at me.
"The uncle, was he in Tyler's moms side or dads side?" I ask again.
"His father," she tells me, "who is also dead."
Dang. I lean against the wall.
"Here" I check Katherine the blood bag.
She snatches it greedily.
I get up and leave.
I walk through the entrance of the Grill. I see Alaric and Damon with some girl. Damon sees me and waves me over.
I take a seat next to Alaric who flinches.
"Hey Grace, this is Jules," Damon says nodding to the woman.
"Hey, I smile." I notice the untouched drink next to her but Damon holds his finger to his lip.
"Are you sure you don't want a drink?" Damon says pushing the glass towards her.
"I'm good thanks," she answers, she then turns to me, "do you know a Tyler Lockwood?"
The question takes me back.
"Depends on why," I reply to her.
"I'm a family friend and I want to talk to him but he is avoiding me," she says.
Very likely.
"Im a friend of Mason's," she continues. Hmmm, I don't want Damon to know I know about him.
"Im not familiar with a Mason. I say with an apologetic look.
"Tyler's uncle" she says looking at me as if I'm dumb.
"Like I said" I say, getting annoyed, "not ringing a bell."
She sighs.
"One drink?" Damon asks again.
They both raise their glass but Jules pauses, "you know, I'm not much of a drinker, I should get going," she moves to leave.
"One drink? C'mon." Damon says again persistently.
"It'll help me sleep," Jules gives in.
"To sleep," Damon toasts.
They clink their glasses and Damon takes a sip while Jules holds the glass to her mouth. She then slams it on the table.
"You fools," she smiles. Damon looks over to Alaric in defeat.
"Think you're clever don't you," she says to Damon.
What the hell is going on?
"What do you want with Mason Lockwood?" Damon questions her, dropping the act.
"He's my friend" Jules replies calmly.
"Well I'm sorry to inform you probably won't find him," Damon tells her gritting his teeth.
"And why not?" Jules asks raising her eyebrows.
"You should leave town" Damon says ignoring her question.
"Are you threatening me? On a full moon, how stupid are you?" She questions.
She is a werewolf! On a full moon. Shit.
"How about that second round?" Alaric asks.
"I think we are done, Ric," Damon nods to him.
"You think I'm afraid of you? Damon asks almost amused.
"No u don't," Jules says as she stands up, "that's your vampire arrogance."
"I don't think that has anything to do with being a vampire," I interrupt.
"Well you guys both should be, I sniffed you out the second you walked into the bar," she says to me before turning to Alaric, "and your pathetic wolfsbane."
Now everything makes sense.
"I've been at this along time and normally the situation would be reversed, but tonight," Jules pauses, "is not the night to pick a fight with me, you've been marked" she tells Damon then leaves.
"You idiots!" I shove Damon, "why? Of all the night in a month, you chose to mess with her tonight."
I don't bother waiting for an answer before I leave.

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