Seeing You Again Is MY Blessing

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It all started when I was coming back from Hia Wan's wedding at Paris. My family had asked me to stay with them and spent time with them. I refused, I couldn't bring myself to stand there and see the newly-wed couple in each other's arms, in love. It made me sick to no end, made me want to cry and trash everything. But I couldn't do that to my own brother. Not after how he was with me like an emotional pillar when..

Anyways, I would personally refer to that as the worst turbulence ever. The flight seemed to be progressing of as usual when all of the sudden we heard the captain shout over the mic system "would everyone please return to your seats and buckle your- "

Suddenly the plane started shaking uncontrollably. I thankfully had my seatbelt on but those that didn't were thrown around the plane. I remember seeing a dozen or so people rise in the air and smash into the ceiling of the flight. I knew that the shaking and bruises that would be coming as of the result of it wasn't going to be the worst. No. It was something supernatural, unexplainable that I saw when I looked out of the plane's windows, it was as if the flight was going through a prism; the glow surrounding the plane were like something not a part of this world, it felt foreign to me.

While I was seeing this, People were getting smashed into the ceiling of the plane and were trying to avoid the loose items crashing into them. Around me there was also a sense of tranquility. The passengers around me saw the lights as well and had seemed just as confused. It got to a point where I couldn't see or hear anything.

As I was trying to adjust to this weird surrounding the strangest thing of all happened, time seemed to almost.... Stop... for me at least. I couldn't hear anything at all but the bright lights had almost tone down a little or maybe my eyes had adjusted to it.

But when I opened my eyes, the passengers, all of them were motionless and they were staring right at me in the eyes, completely expressionless.

I looked all around the cabin every single passenger was staring at me, the employees as well even those who moments ago were clutching the strains and screaming in agony were now silent and just staring, motionless staring, at me. That lasted half a minute at maximum and ended with one last Flash of bright light and then all at once everything ended.

Returned the pure panic-y yelling Passengers voices that were injured. The man seated beside me had asked "Did something strange happened to you during turbulence?"

I had shaken my head at that time. I did not want to talk about what happened but I looked around the cabin and saw that most of the passengers looked uncomfortable. What all of us have experienced on that flight was far stranger than what any of us could have imagined.


When we landed, I received a text message it was from Team. I felt all wind knocked out of me in an instant.

It read, 


-Have you landed yet? 

-I'll wait up for you...


I had stared at the text for 5 minutes straight. Forcing myself to breathe through my mouth.

'Wait up? What? could he?'

Part of me wanted to turn right around and get back on another flight just leave right then and there, never come back but that's not what I did. I was too curious. Or downright just pathetic and hopeless?

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