"Let him suffer for a little while.."

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'The Vice president of swimming club PhaWin would never get jealous.'

One thing what people have been saying about Win if asked... But..

Anyone who could see him right now and didn't know him very well would think otherwise.

Oh No, The vice president of swimming club wasn't angry...
he was beyond angry he was PISSED. Few more minutes and you would probably see steam come out of his ear.

why? well because of his most precious, most adored, his goddamn favorite nong TEAM was letting a newbie in the club flirt with him openly.

Oh how Win wished he could walk up to them and pull his Team from his waist and kiss the younger senseless infront of the newbie. Oh just the thought of it send sparks of excitement somewhere it shouldn't...atleast for now. But unfortunately, he can't because of two reasons one of them was that as the Vice President of the club he had to do his job by helping the President of the swimming club who btw was completely aware of what was happening but rather than helping like a good and mature friend that everyone thought he was, Dean thought that it will be funny to watch his best friend lose his cool infront of his lover.

Second reason was his lover himself. There was no doubt that they loved eachother. But Love itself couldn't keep their relationship strong and with years of experience he knew it. A base to any sort of relationship is made with trust and respect for eachother. He himself promised Team that he can be scared of anything and he(Win) will be there for him and wouldn't push him into doing something he doesn't like/want. Win knew that Team was knew to all about the 'dating world' and just thinking and knowing that he was Team's first in almost everything would erupt butterflies in his stomach. 6 months of dating and he still hasn't got used to it.

But before he could get over the giddy feeling in his stomach. An laughter echoed in the swimming club, if it was some other time than Win would pretty sure he would've loved it but right now that angelic laugh of his favourite nong was like piercing his heart with a sharp knife because 1) It wasn't him who had made him laugh like that and 2) Those sparkling eyes weren't on him but on someone else.

" I swear to God, dean. Do something about that newbie before I lose my patience." Said Win while pulling his now free bleached blond locks.

" And what makes you assume that I would let go of such a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity of seeing you jealous" said the president with a smug look on his face.


"So Team when are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?? You know I would love it if you introduced us before he digs a hole in my skull with his eyes"
said Ted, Team's distant cousin who recently joined Team's uni to also achieve his dream of becoming a swimmer.

"Not yet" said Team and side glanced at the vice president who looked like he had some life crisis going on "let him suffer for a little while" continued Team while enjoying his beloved boyfriend suffer.

The End.


Hope you somehow enjoyed this crappiest oneshot I just created.


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