"Thank you for loving me"

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Win was standing near the pool ready with a towel and a robe at the side for his precious nong so that he doesn't have to walk all the way across the pool to get it and leaving his perfectly curved and carved body at display which may attract unwanted attention but still knowing no one had the guts to look at him as long as they didn't have a death wish.

Win knew this behavior and his thoughts were clearly indicating that he was being possessive but what can he do?

No one may believe this but in the past  the reason why Win would date people was not because of sex or attraction but to fill the void of loneliness inside of him.


Being the middle child he oh so well know the feeling of being neglected and lonely. He constantly had to give his out best to get the attention and love of his parents. Had to constantly be at the top of everything just to get their attention...but for how long could he do that? Constantly pushing himself to be better than not just someone but his own siblings just to get their attention?

It wasn't that his parents were controlling or biased at anything but they were just busy. Also they were extremely open minded and weren't like those typical Asian parents. Hell! They even complimented him saying
"Damn! That really suits you" when he suddenly bleached his hair and got ear piercings. And he still got the same reaction after he got his first tattoo on his arms. Sometimes he just wished that his parents were maybe a tiny bit like other controlling parents just to know that they did infact care about him. But to no avail.

Then he decided to find someone to replace that empty void and fill it with love for him, hence his dating world started his very first lover was a girl, Win genuinely liked her and had hoped that they would be in for a long run, he dreamed of being married to her but then it was shattered in the blink of an eye when the girl told him that she wanted to break up with him as she was permanently moving to America. He had cried Days on end for her knowing that it was hopeless. His next lover was then a boy; who just like the girl left him but because he was scared of what the people may say or do to them as they were of the same gender. Even though they're relationship was a secret some people came to know about it and made him have to break their relationship. It was the second time his heart was broken, Win had then again cried himself to no end thinking that he was just not worthy enough of anyone's love.

Clearly heartbroken and after crying for days he came to the conclusion as that love was not his cup of tea and he must accept it.

He decided that he won't fall in love anymore and would just have random hook ups or one night stand and that's it.
No feeling attached, No heart broken.
Even if the void within his heart would remind him that he needed someone to love him and to be in love with, he refused to give in. He was done being played; he didn't wanted to give his heart to someone for them to just break it. He refused to do so.

But then he met Team, the younger had intrigued him at first, in such a way that he just couldn't think of anything else than be with the younger all the time, tease him, fight with him, adore him, care for him. It scared him beyond belief that he himself didn't know when or how but by the time he knew it he was madly in love with Team...

The younger had not only filled the void in his heart and threw away the sad & loneliness but had completely taken over his heart and made him feel happy, warm and content. That's when Win knew that he by no means would let Team go.

Win won't lie but at the start he was scared that maybe the history would repeat itself and he wasn't sure if he could handle his heart broken all over again but luckily the younger had not only accepted him but cared for him and most importantly loved him.
Team was shy as hell when it came to show affection and Win had accepted it wholeheartedly cuz he knew and loved the younger dearly.

But the small small things Team would do towards him most of the time unintentionally to show affection like putting his head or rubbing it softly on his arm just  like a cat asking for attention, hold Win's hand subconsciously, wait for Win so that they could eat together, ranting about how his day went while hugging Win, tug or hold his sleeve when their friends teased them and then later on try to bury his embarrassed face into Win's chest or neck when the teasing got extreme would drive Win insane by his cuteness.

Win was glad that Team was his..

Win was euphoric to called Team his..

Win was ecstatic  that he was Team's..

And he knew they were fortunate to call eachother as their's..

By the time he had collected himself. Team had just came out of the pool, his body glistening and glowing because of the light reflected by the water droplets giving him the illusion of an Angel and his now less chubby but still a baby face was just all he needed to pull the look of.

"Hia, how did I do?" Team asked him.

"You're timing is still improving yet impressive and you're strokes are also almost on point.." Win answered pausing looking at the clipboard he had "A little more training would still be required though" Win answered honestly then put the clipboard down and picked up the the robe and towel.
Handing Team the robe to wear  and then dragging him into the locker room. There unfolding the towel to dry his lover's hair himself.

After both being dressed and walking up to the parking lot while holding hands. Win had then stopped by  Team's car and smoothly snaked his one arm around Team's waist pulling him into himself and meddling their lips together for a short and sweet kiss,the kiss wasn't like there normal kiss, Win was trying to show Team how grateful he felt having Team in his life, he wanted to convey all of his adoration and love to the other with this kiss.

Just when Win had tried to pull back from the kiss Team pulled him back into the kiss by his collar  and deepened their kiss by letting Win enter his tounge into his mouth. Win couldn't help but smile this was all he ever wanted; to be in love with someone who would love him back.

After kissing for a while, they both pulled back to catch their breath yet connecting their forehead while doing so. Calmly enjoying the breathing of eachother.

"Team, Thank you.." Win said breaking the silence between them. "Thank you for letting me love you...Thank you for loving me" Win continued. Team rather than meeting eye contact with him didn't utter a word he knew what the senior was saying.

And to be honest, it should be Team who must say Thank you to the senior dealing with his childishness and craziness and loving him dearly for who and how he was. Team wanted the senior to know that it wasn't just him who felt grateful for having Team but Team himself was ecstatic to have the senior in his life.

But rather than saying all of it Team pulled the senior back into another kiss. The kiss was full of emotion, emotion they had for each other adoration, care, respect and most importantly love.

Even if in that moment they didn't share any words but those kisses they had, had spoken thousands of sentences of how much they love each other..

How much Win loves Team..and
How much Team loves him back.

The End.


There you have it another oneshot which is cringeworthy!!

Fun fact: I wrote this at 3am bcoz I had nothing else to do but then I had to do some editing soo it took longer.


I've decided that I'll try to put on updates every Saturday or Sunday.

Hope I'll be able to do so tho😅

♧~Anygays BYE👋🏼~♧

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