Prank war

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Today Lisa took the day off so we could spend it together since she's been busy with blackpink's comeback but she only decided to tell me this last night. I was working till late with my coworker and i had no time to check my phone the whole day but once i was out i saw her text right away and gave her a call telling I couldn't be with her from the morning till the afternoon tomorrow because i was going to hang up with Sana from twice, we've been planning this hang out for so long but it never happens because of our schedules. We could finally set a date and time where we both have time so I couldn't just call Sana and tell her I couldn't go anymore.

Lisa didn't like when i hung out with Sana that much. Sana is known for her flirty personality and Lisa hates that she still flirts with me knowing i'm taken but I know it's all playful banter, so as you can imagine Lisa wasn't too happy when i told her I couldn't cancel on Sana.

I took this situation into my advantage, me and Lisa have been in a prank war since last months and lately she has got me all of the times, first she pretends she let my cat scape by accident which is very mean because she knows how much i love him, second she ate all my favorite snacks leaving all the boxes empty, third she pretended someone in her work gave her flowers which made me mad jealous, fourth she took me to the mall and teased me before we got out of the car while she was trying some clothes on and on our way back home just to tell she was too tired and was going to sleep, fifth she replaced my protein shake for flour, sixth she pretended to text someone else that was one of the meanest prank she did and her last prank was her saying she wanted to break up with me, i had it with her pranks i was going to get my revenge and I wasn't going easy on her this time.

I texted Sana saying that we were going to hang out and she would make a few fake hickey's with make up on my neck but kinda hidden so she wouldn't notice so fast. I would change Sana's contact name and texted her the whole time i got home, i'm pretty sure this will be the moment Lisa will flip. I will play dumb and called her Sana instead of Lisa then when she get really angry I would tell her I can't take it anymore i want to break up. This prank will break my heart to do because i can't see Lisa hurt, it hurts me every time she's hurt.

I was meeting Sana right now, she seemed all bubbly as usual.

"Hey y/n" She said giving me her cheesy smile.

"Hey Sana, ready to get screamed at?" Sana shook her head at me.

"You're a terrible girlfriend y/n" She laughed at her own statement.

"I am not such thing i'm just getting my well deserved revenge, Lisa's last prank were horribly painful and mean remember"  I tried to defend myself.

"If you say so, i just know that if i was your girlfriend you would sleep on the couch for a good 3 months" Sana said.

"Good thing i'm not your girlfriend then and Lisa is the one who has my heart" I stated.

We hung around the mall for 3 hours meanwhile Lisa kept calling me and i keep rejecting or answering it very quickly.
I was done after being 3 hours at the mall so we were heading to Sana's house so she could put some make up on my neck to make it look like a hickey or two.

"Can you stay still y/n I can't make it look like a hickey if you move every 5 seconds" I sighed and stayed still for 5 minutes that's how much she took doing it. I then headed to blackpink's dorm to meet Lisa.

I knocked at the door and the one opening the door was Jennie.

"Oh you better make up for this one y/n she's been moody the whole say even pissed Rosé off" Jennie said walking away leaving me to close the door.

"Where is she?" I said and Jennie pointed at the living room, i thank her with my head and she whispered a good luck and headed to her room.

"Hey babe, what you watching?" I asked her and she jumped out of happiness when she saw me. She got up and jumped on my lap she kissed me but i gave her a quick and dry kiss making her furrow her eyebrows, I needed to keep the act going no matter how hard it was.

I walked to the couch and she followed right behind me. Lisa started talking with me and i went on my phone texting Sana.

"What did you do with Sana today? You didn't pick up any of my call and when you did it was so rushed" She made her baby voice knowing I can't resist it so i looked up and raised an eyebrow at her and gave a smirk.

"We were busy shopping" I gave her a short answer, she came closer to try to see who i was texting that I wasn't giving her attention.

"That's all? Boring, well at least i have you all to myself now" I decided not to answer her and kept my eyes glued on my phone.

"Well that is if you let your phone go first" I still kept my eyes glued on my phone completely ignoring her, she came closer and saw Sana's name.

"What's so interesting to talk about still after being half of the day together y/n" She sounded serious now so I decided to give her attention.

"Nothing, just stuff" I put my phone away and gave her all my attention, dry attention. Lisa sat on my lap facing me with her legs on each side of my hips and put her arms around my neck.

"Then pay attention to me, i missed you y/n" She started kissing my neck but once she saw a little of the hickey she stopped and froze there for a good minute.

"Lisa? What happened?" I played dumb.

"Are you sure the only place you went was the mall y/n?" I furrow my eyebrows at her question like it was a stupid question.

"Yeah and i passed by her house to grab some stuff i left it there last time I was there but that took 5 minutes" I stayed, she got out of my lap and sat next to me with a reasonable distance.

"You're sure that's all you did?" Lisa was getting mad and I could feel it.

"Yes Sana, i'm pretty sure that's all i did now can you tell me what's going on?" Lisa got up and walked away from me, there she was furious, her hands were going through her her and she had a sarcastic smile on her face which was quickly replaced when she turned back to me with a angry face.

"Besides having hickey's all over your neck you called me Sana..." Her eyes started to get watery.

"I didn't call you Sana and those aren't hickey's they're probably mosquitoes bites or something you're being paranoid Lisa" I got up and tried to grab her but she walked further away from me.

"Don't touch me right now... don't lie to me just tell me the truth it will be better than lying straight to my face while i'm just seeing proof right under my nose" She was going to cry.

"I'm not lying, you know what if you can't trust me maybe it's better for us to break up" And that's all it took for her to break down, a tear left her eye and she froze on her place.

"You're serious right now?" She asked crying and looking at me dead in the eyes. I couldn't get any answers so i just nodded.
She sat on the couch with her hands going through her hair once again.

"For how long has this thing with Sana been going on?" She made eye contact with me, i couldn't hold any longer.

"It hasn't..." I sat next to her and she sat further away from me, that hurt maybe i went too far.

"Please don't lie it's enough" Lisa was not crying anymore, she was holding it in.

"I'm not lying..." I got up to the kitchen got a paper and made it slightly wet. I kneeled in front of her and brushed the wet paper against my skin showing her it was only make up. She sighed but this was a sign of relief.

"You asshole, how could you" Lisa pushed me away making me fall, she laughed at her own action so I didn't mind that much. I got up and gave her a hug.

"After your last pranks i wanted revenge but I think i went too far" i kissed her forehead.

"You think?" She glared at me like a little kid.

"I'm sorry Lili I promise not to prank you forever" I pleaded for her forgiveness and she laughed her ass off.

"It's good to see you smiling my love" i got up and hugged her.

" I will forgive you but if you pull another of these i swear you will be a dead woman" She said in a more serious tone.

We cuddle the rest of the night and watched some movies, played some video games, cooked together and did the devil's dance, it was amazing after what happened today.


Part two coming soon:)

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