Chapter 7

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It was 7:30 at night. I was facing the mirror in the bathroom.

I was both nervous and happy.

I wore a tuxedo with a blue bow tie.

"Heh, bow ties are cool." I said as I straightened my bow tie.

I laughed and I took a deep breathe.

"Hello, gorgeous! No, just like that? No something else..." I groaned as I kept on saying lines on how to greet (y/n).


I was busy trying to put on some make-up.

Once I had finished, I put on my high heels.

I faced the mirror in my room.

I wore a (f/c) dress with the high heels that had the perfect color that matches with my dress.

"Well, its still early! I guess I have time to do something else to myself!" I said as Ilooked at the clock.

"Hey, Matt! You look handsome, tonight! No, instantly? Seriously, something else besides that!" I said as I kept on saying sentences that I'll try to say to Matt.

Finally, 8:00 came.

"Oh, its 8 o' clock now! Well, gotta go to Matt's house now."  I said as I walked out of my room.

I waked out of my house and I took a deep breathe as I walked to Matt's house.


I looked at the clock in my room and gasped.

"Its 8 o' clock! She's probably by my door now." I said as I ran down the stairs to see if she's there.

Just in time, the door bell rang.

I opened it and I saw (y/n).

Upon seeing her, I jawdropped.

She was gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!

She just giggled and asked, "Matt, what's wrong?".

"Ahhh...nothing! Uh, nothing a-at all! You're...gorgeous!" I complimented.

"Thanks! You're looking handsome!" she complimented me.

I snickered and thanked her.

I reached my hand to her.

"Miss?" I asked.

(y/n) giggled and grabbed on my hand.

I laughed and I closed my door.

Once I locked it, I was pulled by (y/n).

We walked where we could get a taxi.

While we were walking, (y/n) hugged my right arm.

"Matt, I'm nervous! What if there will be people who will take pictures of us? And then share it on the internet and say 'Matt Smith has a new girlfriend and nya nya nya!'! What if that will happen?" she asked.

"Don't worry. I'll handle it." I said as I kissed her head.

"Great. I don't want to embarrass ourselves." she said in a relieved tune.

"Hah! Please! I have embarrassed myself a lot of times!" I said.

Then, we finally got a taxi.

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